a) Physical development
b)Communication and intellectual development
c)Social,emotional and behavioural development
Working with Children does not only mean to keep children happy and safe.The professional adult working with children must have a complete knowledge and understanding of how they develop and learn.
Expected pattern of a child's development at the age of 0-3 months is as follows: Physical development
Sleeps more and grows fast. Enjoys playing with hands and fingers. More active when awake and not tired. Hand and eye coordination starts to develop. …show more content…
Physical movement with legs and arms.
Communication and Intellectual Development
Recognises familiar faces and voices. Observe movements around them e.g. objects. Responds to smiles and voices. Explore objects that come in hands by putting them in mouth. Makes noises like crying.
Social,Emotional and behavioural development
Becomes attached to mothers. Recognises parents and familiar adults and respond to their voices. Cries to seek attention. Stops crying when sense of security is felt by picking them up.
Expected pattern of a child's development at the age of 3-9 months
Physical Development
Starts moving legs and hands to play. Interest in playing with fingers. Arms lifting up to show that they want to be picked up. Exploring objects using their hands and mouth. Excitement at feeding time.
Communication and Intellectual Development
1)Laughing,babbling and smiling back when they see a smiling face.
2)Start understanding the meaning of 'drink' and 'dinner'.
3)Babbling becomes tuneful.
4)Different sounds of cries,when they are tired,bored or hungry.
Social,Emotional and Behavioural Development
1)Cries when a parent or carer leaves a room without them.
2)Cries when left with strangers.
3)Curiosity at what is happening around them.
4)Play only on their own using hands and mouth.
Expected Pattern of Children's Development at the age of 9-18 months
Physical Development
Standing up and holding furniture. Can feed themselves using hands and fingers. Throwing toys purposely. Pointing fingers to objects to draw attention of an adult. Waving 'bye bye' and saying 'hello'. Very active,crawling,walking ,rolling around.
Communication and Intellectual Development Starts to speak more familiar words. Shows signs of temper and excitement. Shows interests in children of same age. Awareness of their familiar adults around them. Understand a lot of words that adults are saying.
Social,Emotional and Behavioural Development
Become quite persistent and want to do the things that they are not allowed to do,e.g a child who wants to get a sharp object would notice where it is kept and try to climb up to reach it.
Become restless and distressed when left over with unfamiliar adults. Eagerness for independence (trying to feed themselves). Interest in other children .
Expected Pattern of Children's Development at the age of 18 months -2 years
Physical Development
1)Able to use potty but accidents more often. 2)Bending down to pick things up. 3)Able to show their own individuality. They know what they want to do. 4)Running,jumping,climbing. 5)Playing with building bricks and make towers. 6)Plays alongside other children. 7)Can use materials and fine motor skills improve by scribbling on a chalkboard or a paper. 8)Can feed themselves.
Communication and Intellectual Development
1)Can understand and repeat words said by an adult.
2)Enjoys picture books,stories and nursery rhymes.
3)Start enjoying pretend play such as home corners.
4)Pointing to pictures of familiar objects and can name them.
5)Can take emplty cup and pretend to drink from it or give it to a
6)Keen to do more things by themselves and get frustrated if they are not able to when an adult tells them it's dangerous for them.
7)Likely to have a vocabulary of about 200 words.
Social,Emotional and Behavioural Development
1)Keen to show things to adults.
2)Enjoyment of singing and dancing.
3)Happiness and delight when enjoying something.
4)Use two-word compounds as 'Daddy-go' or 'drink-no'.
5)Need plenty of adult attention like cuddling more often.
6)Start to play more with other children of their age.
7)Temper Tantrums when not allowed to do something that is dangerous for them.
Expected Pattern of Children at the age of 2-3 years old Physical Development
Playing more with other children,also start using tricycles,slides and climbing frames. Start playing with materials of own choice. Enjoying painting,drawing and looking at books. Can dress up themselves but need help with socks or doing laces and belts. Can climb stairs one step a time. Can use potty and stays dry mostly.
Communication and Intellectual Development
Can name parts of body Can sing songs and rhymes. Asks lots of questions. Can speak lots of adjectives like,small cup,big book. Can ask for help by using proper words. Can take small messages to adults.
Social,Emotional and Behavioural Development
1)Separating from parents sometimes becomes difficult.
2)Enjoying dressing up and pretend play.
3)Temper tantrums decrease and if they are not happy they can say so.
4)Other children start to become important to them.
5)Start to understand the needs of themselves and others.
6)Sharing of toys become less difficult and start to enjoy playing with other children
Expected Pattern of Children's Development at the age of 3-5 years old
Physical Development
1)Good at gross motor skills as climbing,jumping riding a tricycle etc. 2)Mostly stay dry but have occasional accidents. 3)Can plan their play and have ideas of what they want to do. 4)Can use their hands to do activities like pouring,threading and cutting with scissors. 5)Enjoy actions with songs and dancing activities. 6)Throw and catch a ball with occasional drops.
Communication and Intellectual Development
1)Keen to copy adults. 2)Can speak words that are easily understood. 3)Asking too many questions and enjoying talking. 4)Drawing meaningful things. 5)Can say names of colours and friends. 6)Can tell events from the past. 7)Enjoys playing imaginative play e.g become a policeman. 8)Some awareness of right and wrong. Follow simple instructions. Social,Emotional and Behavioural Development
Enjoy playing with other children. Develop confidence in helping themselves like going to toilet independently and dressing themselves. Observe other's behaviour. Settle very much in routine of the setting. Separate easily from parents if they know who they are staying with. Expect adults to take their side if there's any dispute between them.
Expected Pattern of children at the age of 5 -6 years old
Physical Development
Increase in confidence and coordination. Able to kick and control a ball. Enjoys riding a bike and swimming. Fine Motor skills improve e.g,good control over holding scissors and cutting materials. Plays cooperatively with other children. Mostly clean and dry but have occasional accidents when involved fully in play or when upset.
Communication and Intellectual Development
Learning basic concepts through play and watching adults. Ability to ask too many questions. Develop relationships with peers. Recognise harmful situations and ask help from grown ups. Says names of colours and counting. Confidence in talking continuously to familiar adults. Enjoys reading books and songs. Follows simple instructions.
Social,Emotional and Behavioural Development
May have special friends as their best friends. May copy other children to seek attention of other adults by hitting,kicking or pushing their class mates. May blame other children for their own mistakes to get attention. Recognise how choices and decisions are made. Can communicate easily using more clear words and vocabulary. Can get into argument with other children but forgets quickly. Helpful towards others when they are disturbed.
Expected pattern of Children's Development at the age of 7-9 Years
Physical Development
Children continue to grow in height. Their games and play become more organised,e.g playing with dolls in the home corner and playing mummy's and daddy's. Can dress or undress independently by doing fastenings themselves. Start to lose baby teeth and grow taller. Skilful and confident hand movements. Play involving turns. Play becomes more cooperative and can maintain stable friendships. Learn to ride a bike. Confidently hit a ball with a bat. Enjoy more in small-world and imaginative play.
Communication and Intellectual Development
Develop more improved writing and spelling skills. Can write joined up words. Can be expressive while story telling,can use dictionaries,computers etc. Can use more detailed sentence structures. Gets information using encyclopedia,computers and internet. Tell jokes and enjoy chatting. Able to solve simple problems and enjoy practical situations in which they have to work things out themselves. Be able to negotiate and accept difference. Can summarise a plan for making friends. Listens to more complex instructions.
Social,Emotional and Behavioural Development
Understands feelings and rights of others Knows strategies for resisting peer pressure. Increased knowledge of healthy habits. Enjoys friendship with same age children and enjoys to be part of a group. Enjoys his own space and prefers to play on his own occasionally. Become very possessive for their own things. Argues with other children easily and takes longer to forget.
Expected Pattern of Children's Development at the age of 10-12 Years
Physical Development
Able to read,write and draw with logic. Girls will start to grow rapidly in height and breasts are likely to 'bud'.Menstruating may start in girls before the age of 11,especially if they are more in weight. Rides a bike with great confidence. Enjoys to play in a team. Sportsmanship improves. Handwriting becomes more legible Continues losing baby teeth.
Communication and Intellectual Development
Able to use communication skills. Can use better listening skills to develop positive relationships. Increased decision making and problem solving skills. Can effectively work in a group. Growing awareness of the roles of boys and girls. Can use different writing skills. Use literacy skills to take notes,write essays etc. Understands other people's point of view.
Social,Emotional and Behavioural Development
Enjoys when out with friends. Knows common causes of stress and knows how to solve them. Recognises mood swings and able to manage himself. Recognises situations that need adult help. Emotional changes due to puberty. Continues enjoying the company of other children. Wants to have attention and approval of his age fellows rather than adults.
Expected Pattern of Children's Development at the age of 13-16
Physical Development
1)Young people move closer to adulthood. Girls at the age of 15 or 16 will have finished becoming women. Enjoys singing and dancing but performs set dance. Can swim independently if learning. Needs his own space,plays cooperatively with peers. Can do more complex construction activities.
Communication and Intellectual Development
Acknowledge the strength of others. Work well to satisfy the needs of others. Writing skills improve and a child can write proper and accurate spelling and punctuation. Gives detailed information about past events and future. Can justify own views and opinions. Can consider needs of others and respect other people's point of view. Can tell the difference between real and fake.
Social,Emotional and Behavioural Development
Sensitive about own self. Understands the consequences of own actions. Able to resolve differences and difficulties among peers and family. More understanding of religion,politics and can express their own point of view. Participates in team games. Supportive towards others.
Expected Pattern of Children's Development at the age of 17-19 years
Physical Development
By this age girls and boys have completed the process of their adulthood. At this age most boys are stronger than girls because the ratio of fat to muscles is higher in girls. Brain also carries on developing,speed,coordination and fast reaction at times are part of brain development.
Communication and Intellectual Development
Demonstrate respect to others in working groups and others within the community. Communicate in a clear manner. Provide information in a constructive manner. Can make decisions independently. Express themselves freely through language.
Social,Emotional and Behavioural Development
1)Demonstrate strategies for solving interpersonal problems without harming self or others.
2)Apply good knowledge to help others.
Understand the difference between safe and risky behaviour towards others.
3)Have very strong opinion on self point of views and if involved in arguments,may keep grudges and find it hard to cope and to forgive easily.
4)Very competitive,at times lead to aggression.
5)Ability to pass on leadership when appropriate.