|AGE |Physical Development |Communication and Intellectual Development |Social and Emotional Behavioural Development |Support children through transitions in their |
| | | | |lives |
|0-3 Years |Control of head and arm movements |Begins to have distinct facial expressions |Can detect smells |Encouragement |
| |Reaches, grasps, and puts objects in |Hand/eye co-ordination |Learns bladder control |Repeating yourself |
| |mouth |Reacts to own name |Starts talking in sentences. |Play |
| |Sits unaided |Emotional distress |Sensitive to touch |Feeding |
| |Starts to crawl |Visual and oral exploration |Focuses on source of sound |Reading books |
| |Starts to control legs and feet |Smiles at a face (social smiling) |Responds positively to touch | |
| |Can stand |Babbling |Recognizes parents