* Dislike or avoidance of close contact of others
* Startles easily
* Short attention span for the child's age
* Frequent daydreaming
* Turns or tilts head to use one eye or closing one eye
* Appearance of a squint or cross eyes
* Dislike of bright light
* Placing face close to books, pictures etc.
* Bumping into furniture, people etc.
* Lack of spacial awareness
* Excessive blinking or rubbing of eyes
* Re-occurring eye infections from being touched
* Losing place while reading or writing
* Using finger or marker to guide eyes
* Difficulty remembering what is read
* Difficulty remembering, identifying and reproducing shapes and pictures
* Poor eye-hand coordination
* Loss of balance
* Constant touching to check where things are or the opposite unwilling to reach out and touch things like they are nervous to touch things
* Lack of or slow reaction to facial expressions i.e. not mimicking smiles
* "Is not startled by loud noises
* Does not turn towards the source of a sound while under four months old
* Does not say single words by the time they are one year old
* Notices you when they see you but not when you call their name
* Hears some sounds but not others" NHS UK. 10/6/2013. Signs of hearing loss. Available at: (Accessed 29/10/13).
* Turns up the volume on the TV or stereo
* Asks for speech to be repeated
* Appears to have poor attention span
* Re-occurring ear infections
* Frequent day dreaming
* Doesn't mimic sounds.
* May sleep a lot
* Don’t move their arms and legs much whilst as babies
* They make very little or no eye contact with people
* Don’t tend to make sounds, grasp objects, sit, pulls himself up to standing and walk by the time expected
* They don’t reach out and move towards things they appear to be