Number of words: 2352
Dell Computer Corporation is one of the most famous computer brands in the world, and relies on its unique development and management model that occupies the large number of PC sales volume in a long term period. Dell Computer Corporation can be successful and lead the PC sales industry, because of the simple vision and business concept- the personal computer could be built to order. Through the build-to-order strategy customers were able to order directly and their orders were routed by means of a credit check and soon after directly to the manufacturing. Finally their orders were then built, tested and shipped to the customer eventually. Furthermore, the customers were promised to receive the order 5-7 days after the order was made. In addition, Dell Computer Corporation also took steps to reduce middle man so that to identify the customer needs, keep costs down, wring efficiency out of its direct sales and build-to-order business model, which is the another significant reason that Dell can still keep the leading position in the PC sales industry in nowadays. Further Dell practiced just-in-time inventories as well. Moreover, Dell Computer Corporation has a diversity of product portfolio. The company has implemented various categories for the each segment of the market. (Thompson, A., Gamble, J.,) All these strategies are vital for the company’s success.
The foundation of Dell Computer Corporation can be traced back to the 1984, when Michael Dell was study at the University of Austin. In 1985, the company began to produce their own PC and sale directly to the customer, and also provide the customized services depend on the customer's selection of options. In 1988, the company changed the name to the Dell Computer Corporation and the business expanded to the world.
The successful of Dell Computer Corporation is a great example for any one of the companies or enterprises. By focusing on