The Safe Exchange Platform allows the creation of digital assets and contracts, cryptographic data-storage and transfers. Users can define an item's attributes and then later offer that item in a contract to a marketplace where others can discover, scrutinize, and fulfill the terms of the contract autonomously without the necessity of a trusted third party.
SAFEX’s Core Development Team is composed by Daniel Dabek, Founder of Safe Exchange, and Lead Rust developer and Pavle Aleksic Lead Javascript developer.
Most of the platforms of what we now know as E-commerce are ridden with privacy risks issues that compromise the competitive advantages of customers and merchants and their personal and business data. When …show more content…
The greatest protection is that your cryptographic wealth is secure because you cannot become the target of hackers or malicious actors.
The marketplace is to be called Chille. SAFEX token holders will be allowed to have the first minting of the market´s currency. Holders earn from the fees of the transactions on the marketplace. They will also be among the first who will be able to conduct transactions on the platform using SAFEX tokens.
The Chille cryptocurrency, also referred to as “Safex Cash” will have its own Blockchain called the Chille Blockchain. It will have a Proof of Work Consensus system. When the Chille Blockchain launches, 0.5% of Chille's supply will be doled out to SAFEX holders. Which makes interesting holding SAFEX at the time of the Chille Blockchain’s launch. The SAFEX Crowdsale ended in January 2016 and every SAFEX that will ever exist were sold, the total number of coins is 2.147.483.647 SAFEX.
These tokens also support voting services that allow you to participate actively in the decision making of processes related to the …show more content…
We froze the markets in response but this just resulted in the SAFEX community doubling down their accusations...” “As a result, we have now decided to delist SAFEX due to the behavior of the community in general...” “Once the coin has fully synced (at block 394077) as of this post, the wallet will be re-enabled and you will be able to withdraw…” “We apologize of any inconvenience but we have a strict policy against behavior like this and will stamp it out immediately in a hope we can clean up Crypto in