In reading this case study it was hard to come to terms that there some Universities that are presently using computer software to grade a student essay. How was that possible, how can a computer software understand what a student is writing and why the student is writing those words. This student is thankful that he just has to answer the case study question, since when he finishes reading this case study he had more questions than answers. The case study questions to answer for this assignment are as follow. Identify the kinds of systems described in this case. What are the benefits of automated essay grading? What are the drawbacks? Can automated essay grading replace a human grader? Why or why not? What …show more content…
The best way I can see to answer the above question is to just list the factors that should be considered and they are as follow.
1. What would the quality of education be if a university uses this system?
2. Would massively open online courses (MOOCs) be better with this system or with instructors?
3. Are we ready to trust artificial intelligence to teach the students of today with the feedback they may provide?
4. Should we do away with the human factor and just relies on artificial intelligence?
5. Would the benefits created by using the system be better for the university or would it create more problems in the future?
6. Would this system be accepted by the students?
With just these factors in mind, universities need to take a good hard look at not only if they should use this system, but how they use this system if they do decide to use the …show more content…
That would definitely depend on the type of paper being graded, for example, if this was a simple multi-choice or pick one type of test, then no this writer would not since it is a simple right or wrong type of test. Now if this was an essay or paper than this writer would say there is a 50-50 chance the writer would be suspicious. Why? If it was just checking the spelling or grammar then this writer would have no problem with it, but, if it was grading on the content of what the writer was writing, the creatively, the meaning behind what the writer is writing and why the writer is using those words, then yes I would question the grade since there is no way a machine can understand the feeling of what the writer is writing and why the writer is writing those words. Only a human can understand that feeling, emotions, the creatively, by reading what the writer wrote. The words “To be or not to be, that is the question,” would mean nothing to a machine, but to a human, it can mean life
Reading this case study and absorption what the case study is talking about, the pro and con of the system leave a lot to be desired. There are both good pros to this system, however, there are still issues that should be addressed. The main question universities will have to answer before using this system just as this or not would be, do the pros outweigh the