Patient Name: Putul, Barua
Patient ID: 135799
Room No.: CCU4
Date of Admission: 01/07/2014
Date of Death: 01/15/2014 00:41
Admitting Physician: Simon William, MD, Pulmonology
Consultants: J.K. McClain ,MD Cardiology / Treveor Jordan, Nephrology
This 42 year-old gentlemen was admitted on January 7th and expire on January 15. He was admitted with progressive tachycardia, hemoptysis, and dyspenia. Please see his admission history and physical exam for details.
HOSPITAL COURSE: The patients’ hospital course where characterized by a progressively downhill course. He was initially hospitalized and found to be mildly hypoxic, which rapidly corrected with supplemental low flow oxygen therapy however, he gradually became more oxygen dependent on high flow oxygen, eventually requiring intubation with mechanical ventilation in order to maintain his oxygenation. He underwent an open lung biopsy in an attempt to delineate the etiology of his pulmonary situation, and this was reported as idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and alveolitis. The specimen was sent to the Forest General Pathology department for further evaluation, and they were able to give no further help concerning the etiology of his pulmonary status. An echocardiogram showed left ventricular wall motion high poke and easy and injection fraction of about 35 percent.
Dr. J.K. McClain and other members of the cardiology department consulted on the patient. They felt that his hypoxic and breathlessness was not secondary to his cardiac status. He had supraventricular arrhrhythmia. The Cardiology staff utilized intravenous medications that controlled the cardiac raid, adequately resolving these cardiac issues. I managed the patient ventilator at the intensive care status along with my respiratory and therapy team. Unfortunately the patient developed multiple infections, hospital acquired, including Klebssiella pnuamoniae infection, and probable fungemia. Multiple evaluations of