(1) Do you agree with Yip’s assumption that in industries experiencing strong globalization drivers, MNEs should deploy strategy levers that conform to globalization? Illustrate with an appropriate news article, video, or blog, using APA citation.
Yip’s assumption that in industries experiencing strong globalization drivers, MNEs should deploy strategy levers that conform to globalization makes complete sense. MNE’s need to follow the trend to become global because part of it is to compete and survive in the industry if competitors are heading in such direction and the other reason is that it can become a competitive advantage. For example, if we look at the organizations McDonalds or Coca Cola who are global, it is seen that regardless of the differentiating tastes, the brand is very well known and has more worth than other competitor giving these organizations a competitive advantage.
(2) Based on the assigned video, how global is McDonald’s global strategy? What are the structure, process, people and cultural implications for the success of McDonald’s strategy?
Based on the video, McDonald’s strategy is a transnational strategy in which they have strong pressures for local responsiveness and local integration. They have a transnational strategy because as an organization they have changed and adapted to offering products to different cultures while maintaining their strong brand image and control of how the organization is established globally. McDonalds has taken into consideration the culture and individuals preferences in developing their global strategy. It is very impressive,