The wife and the blind man have grown a strong bond over the years. The narrator dislike Robert because he is blind. He feel like blind people are sad and depressing. He feel this way because of a television show he once watched. The narrator doesn't necessarily trust the man and his wife's friendship. Since she was a younger girl, she imagined marrying the narrator. However, she never mentioned to the blind mind that he was her husband. He felt some type of way about this and often made comments asking why she didn't ever mention him to her "friend." …show more content…
Robert's wife died recently in the story and the wife showed a lot of sympathy for him. At the funeral, the blind man said his good-bye's to the wife by kissing her forehead. Although he didn't live in the same city as the narrator and the wife, she still made ways to keep in touch with him. Her and the blind man sent audio tapes for 10 years, frequently. She even tried to write poems about the last good-bye gesture they had. She displayed the poem to the narrator and he didn't connect to it nearly. He knew it was about her "good friend" and that gave him even more reasons to dislike the blind