Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections (CAUTIs) are one of the most costly occurring nosocomial infections seen today. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) (2015) stated that the risk of developing CAUTIs is 3%-7% in the acute care setting, and CAUTIs comprise 40% of all institutionally acquired infections with an 8% prevalence rate seen in the home care setting. The CDC (2015) further implied that more than 1 million patients who either resides in an acute-care hospital or extended-care facilities will acquire a CAUTIs with the risk of 5% seen with short-term daily catheterization insertion. As indicated by these findings, CAUTIs are ranked second as being the most common cause of nosocomial bloodstream infection. The CDC …show more content…
The CMS (2015) have estimated that 25 percent of all hospitalized patients will have a foley catheters, and the elderly patients are more likely than younger patients to be catheterized and develop CAUTIs. It was also reported by the CMS (2015), that the elderly patients, when catheterized without a precise medical indication, are more at risk of death; and they are in danger for increased hospitals stays that can be very costly for both patients and loved ones. In January 2016, the CDC and AHRQ released guidelines for healthcare workers to abide by when inserting foley catheters. One of the primary reasons that were listed is the medical justification reason; according to this reason all catheters that are being inserted must be justified by the healthcare providers in their narrative. The care that is being rendered after a foley is inserted must adhere to guidelines that has been set forth by the CMS to reduce the risk of infections in all patients with, or without the presence of a foley catheter. The CMS (2015) identified several complication risks associated with CAUTIs: cystitis, periurethral abscess, prostatitis, epididymitis, acute or chronic pyelonephritis, gram-negative bacteremia and urosepsis which is often time fatal in 40-60% of the patients. In 2002, The Morbidity and …show more content…
According to the CDC (2016), fifty represents the period that prostate problems develop for this age group. Benign prostatic hyperplasia also known as (BPH) is the term used to describe an enlargement of the prostate gland. This enlargement produces an obstruction in the urinary tract, which increases the risk for infection. Prostatitis represents a recurrent urinary tract infection of the prostate gland. The CDC (2016) estimated that 20% of UTIs occur in males, causing more severe problems than in females. Men with UTIs are more likely to require hospitalization as compared to women. Despite the many risk factors identified, the use of indwelling urinary catheters in hospitals is common. However, evidence exists that their use is inappropriately