Central Venous Catheter Blood stream infections (CVCBSIs) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with end- stage renal disease treated with chronic haemodialysis (Jaber 2005).The purpose of this review is to determine whether the use of Biopatch on the exit site of central venous catheter (CVC) can help prevent infection.
Before any research was undertaken, a focused question was formulated and a search strategy was then developed to compare the available evidence. A PICO (Sackett et al 1997) was undertaken using the terms Central Venous Catheter, Chlorhexidine, Biopatch and Infection. A Facet analysis (Ranganathan 1967, cited by Spiteri 1998) was performed and a literature search was conducted using four electronic databases. This databases searches, contains both nursing and medical research and reviews.
The databases used were Medline (1982-2011), CINAHL (1996-2011), Embase (1982-2011) and BNI (1982-2011) Mckibbon and Mark (1998) states that CINAHL and Medline databases are the most appropriate methodological to identify studies that report high quality research which can be used for clinical application. Most of the search result, produced articles that were Control Randomised Trails (RCT). Torgerson and Torgerson (2008), states that RCT is the gold standard for research method and for addressing the what? question in ‘evidence-informed’ policy making and practice.
The literature search in CINAHL generated 145 article and limited to 2 articles which did not answer the question directly, however before the limits were applied two articles were found to relate to the question but one article answer the question and was a crossover intervention trail. The searches in BNI yielded 14 results and were limited to 1 article which did not relate to the question. Further searches in Medline and Embase, produced 19 and 21 results consecutively and none of this search answered the question.
Citations: Carmis BC, MD, MSCR,. Richmond M, RN, MHS, CIC,. Dyer KL, MPH. Zimmerman HN, MPH,. Coyne DW, MD. Rothstein M, MD. Fraser VJ, MD. ; Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, Vol. 31, No 11 (November 2010), pp. 1118-1123. Levy J, Morgan J, Brown E. 2005) A practical guide todialysis and how to manage end stage renal failure. Oxford handbook of dialysis (2nd edn) New York: Oxford University Press. Levy MD. ;A new register for clinical trials information. Can Med Assoc J. 2000; 162-970-971. Gray J. (1997) Doing the right things in Evidence Base health-care. Churchhill Livingstone, New York ch2, P17.