Invasive lines are widely used in a patient who needs intensive monitoring by using it. Bloodstream infection has been a major issue and has contributed to an increased rate of morbidity and mortality. This purpose of the study is to investigate the comparison of Chlorhexidine Gluconate (CHG) 3000 dressings and Normal Plain Tegaderm Gauze dressing in reducing invasive lines related bloodstream infections in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) patients.
Research aim
The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of CHG 3000 dressing and Normal Gauze …show more content…
Research hypothesis
It will be hypothesized that CHG 3000 dressing able to reduce infection rate on invasive line in ICU setting than just using normal gauze dressing.
In this study, the independent variable is CHG 3000 dressing, plain normal gauze and tape dressing and dependent variables is infection rates from invasive lines in ICU
Independent variable:
In this study, the independent variables are CHG 3000 and plain Normal Gauze and tape Dressing.
Dependent variable:
In this study, the dependent variable is the number of infection rates.
Research Methodology and …show more content…
There will be no ointments allowed to be used in the study such as any antimicrobial creams as it will give false result. Removal of the lines will be needed if it is not necessary or if patient has developed signs of catheter related bloodstream infection such as persistent symptoms of redness and pus, leading to an invasive lines related bloodstream infection (Langgartner 2004).
The study for the patient will be considered as terminated in an event of patient’s death, dislodgement of invasive line, transfer to other hospitals not involved with this study or diagnosis of invasive line related bloodstream infection. If data shows signs of bacteraemia due to invasive lines related bloodstream infection on any CVL, intra-arterial line, dialysis catheter will be claimed as infected. If lines are used more than 48 hours, it can also be categorized to high risk of getting bloodstream infection due to invasive lines (Shapey