Catholic Social Teaching in Economics
Catholic Social Teaching “Without God man neither knows which way to go, nor even understands who he is. As we contemplate the vast amount of work to be done, we are sustained by our faith that God is present alongside those who come together in his name to work for justice” (CV, p. 78). While the Church has made it a mission to identify the flaws of certain economic solutions throughout the years, it has also attempted to give a solid understanding of what could and should be done in order to bring about the most efficient, stable, and just economy. Popes such as Leo XIII, Pius XI, John Paul II, and Benedict XVI have all written on many of the controversial topics regarding capitalist and socialist views. Much of their advice pertains to the economic issues involving the conditions of working classes, human freedom and dignity, charity, the right to private property, economic activity and profit, labor, and the rejection of socialism and unregulated capitalism. “Rerum Novarum”, “Quadragesimo Anno”, “Centesimus Annus”, and “Caritas In Veritate” are all Encyclical letters which make up the core of Catholic Social Teaching, written not only to make it possible to think of economics in a different way and to try to give the best economic solutions, but also to provide advice for an economy that has the potential to serve the people and give them a fair chance at living the best life possible. In each of these four Encyclical letters, the Catholic Church has identified many of the flaws in our capitalist economy as well as socialist solutions, but has also provided morally sound, persuasive advice on how to deal with many of these problems. “At the time being, the condition of the working classes is the pressing question of the hour, and nothing can be of higher interest to all classes of the State than that it should be rightly and reasonably settled” (RN, p.60). This specific topic is one that has been a huge focus for the Catholic Church for years. Around the
Cited: Benedict XVI. Encyclical Letter, Caritas in Veritate: On Integral Human Development in Charity and
Truth. 2009.
John Paul II. Encyclical Letter, Centesimus Annus. 1991.
Leo XIII. Encyclical Letter, Rerum Novarum. 1891.
Pius XI. Encyclical Letter, Quadragesimo Anno. 1931.