I found several organizations dedicated purely to the cause of creating awareness about stewardship, as well as showing people how to put their faith to good work in our world. Catholic Stewardship Consultants is a Christ orientated group focused on the spirituality of stewardship. This firm focuses on teaching entire parishes and communities about being Stewards, and moving people closer to Jesus. The International Catholic Stewardship Council goal and mission is to lay out the tools that can further strengthen the stewardship of all Catholics around the world and help put Christ's stewardship message into action. The above organizations are dedicated to making all of God's people higher quality stewards and making the message that Jesus gave us about stewardship known and
I found several organizations dedicated purely to the cause of creating awareness about stewardship, as well as showing people how to put their faith to good work in our world. Catholic Stewardship Consultants is a Christ orientated group focused on the spirituality of stewardship. This firm focuses on teaching entire parishes and communities about being Stewards, and moving people closer to Jesus. The International Catholic Stewardship Council goal and mission is to lay out the tools that can further strengthen the stewardship of all Catholics around the world and help put Christ's stewardship message into action. The above organizations are dedicated to making all of God's people higher quality stewards and making the message that Jesus gave us about stewardship known and