A Lay apostle is someone who has committed to God (through baptism and confirmation) and strives to deliver the divine message of salvation to others throughout the world. “The need for the apostolate is shown by the manifest action of the Holy Spirit moving laymen today to a deeper and deeper awareness of their responsibility and urging them on everywhere to the service of Christ and the Church.” (Jackson, 2010). Therefore the statement suggests that the Holy Spirit is the one to give us a deeper understanding of what we as Catholics must do to become a good lay apostle, and that our responsibilities are within the church and our beliefs in Christ. Nazzaro (2010) states “A Lay apostle walks closely with Jesus throughout each day… We serve Jesus through service to others.” In order to become a good lay apostle we must be close to the Lord daily whether saying prayers or attending church, and in order to serve him we must spread the word of God to everyone that would be interested in following Christ.
The Second Vatican Council made the dogmatic constitution on the Church (Lumen Gentium). This was a set of rules in which Catholic must abide by. The constitution of the church states that everyone is part of the church and therefore everyone has a responsibility for its growth and the spread of the kingdom of God throughout the world. Due to this responsibility the council recognised the need for the role of the laity to cease from being passive and instead
References: Bishop Butler, (1967). The Theology of Vatican II. London: Darton, Longman & Todd. Doyle, DM (2006). The Church Emerging from Vatican II. London: Twenty Third Publications. Jackson, D. (2010). The Apostolate of the Laity. Available: http://davidoforegon.blogspot.com/. Last accessed 6th January 2012. John, A. Hardon, S.J. (2000). The Second Vatican Council. Available: http://www.therealpresence.org/eucharst/vat/clrp_vii.htm. Last accessed 4th January 2012. Kinast, R. (1979). Preparing the Clergy for the New Laity. Theology Today. 36. (3). pp. 380-385 McBrien, RP. (1997). Second Vatican Council. Available: http://mb-soft.com/believe/txs/secondvc.htm. Last accessed 7th January 2012. McDonald, H. (2011). Allow priests to marry, says former Northern Ireland bishop. The Guardian. 1 (3), 1. Daly (2011) McInerny, R. (2001). Profound effect. Liturgy in the true spirit of Vatican II. 14 (2), 20.) Nazzaro, A. (2010). Lay Apostles. Available: http://www.stmonicachurch.org/ministries/spiritual-growth/lay-apostles/. Last accessed 6th January 2012. Paul VI (1964) Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity: Apostolicam Actuositatem. Available:http://www.vatican.va/archive/hist_councils/ii_vatican_council/documents/vat-ii_const_19641121_lumen-gentium_en.html. Last accessed 5th January 2012