Verify Tests: 0 data validity errors detected in Jaysberg_Auth_Prices, Jaysberg_Sales_Returns, and Jaysberg_Sales_Trans, and the counts were respectively: 101, 55, and 383.
Count Command:
Q 2: Test the accuracy of the monthly postings to the general ledger. Note that the table includes a month code. Monthly sales per the general ledger are provided below:
I compared the monthly postings to the general ledger, and the general ledger amounts and found there were no errors. The accuracy of the monthly postings is satisfactory.
Q 3: Perform the following tests of controls. For each control state the command or commands that you did to test the control and the results of the test.
a. Document numbers for all documents that are accounted for periodically to make sure there are no duplicates or omissions.
Duplicates Controls: I clicked on analyze>Look for Duplicates to see if there were duplicates in the three tables. In the Jaysberg_Auth_Prices, I checked to make sure the product number wasn’t listed twice to verify there wasn’t a duplicate listing for a product number. For the Jaysberg_Sales_Trans, the most important column to check for duplicates was the invoice number, and shipping document number. I wanted to make sure a sale wasn’t recorded twice, or an item was shipped twice. For the Jaysberg_Sales_Return, I ran a duplicates test on the credit memo number and invoice number to make sure a credit wasn’t issued twice for the same invoice. I also threw in some other variables for good measure to see if it led to an unexpected discovery.
Duplicates Results: All of the major duplicates tests came back with “0 duplicates detected”. I ran each test individually, and then with multiple factors just to double check the results. The shipping document number had some duplicates, but when I looked into them, they were for different items within the same shipment.