Each year in the United States, an estimated two-to-four million women experience serious abuse from a male partner and thousands are killed. As many as one-in-three adult women is abused by an intimate during her lifetime. While only 5% of all annual violence against men is by a partner, 28% of all annual violence to women is by an intimate and 70% of intimate murder victims are women. Domestic violence is one of the major causes for emergency room visits by women and more than half of all injuries presented by women are the result of a partner's aggression. Also, 86% of the victims suffered at least one previous incident of abuse, 40% had previously required medical care for the abuse, and more than one half of all rapes to women over the age of 30 were partner rapes. Ten percent of the victims were pregnant at the time of the abuse, and 10% reported their children had also been abused by the batterer. Domestic violence is not limited to any specific socioeconomic, ethnic, racial, or religious group, and same-sex abuse among a partner is just as prevalent as abuse among heterosexual intimates. Conte, J. R.,& Gelles, R.J. (1990). 52 (4). The causes of domestic violence are Control, Alcohol, and Financial status. And the effects are Low self-esteem, Homelessness and sometimes Death. Women are most of the time victims of abuse due to them being seen as second class citizens. They have been portrayed in pornographic videos, magazines and video games for years which are very degrading to women. Billions of dollars are lost every year due to domestic abuse. It is a public health problem causing loss of jobs productivity, medical costs and homelessness for victims of abuse. Sometime it can even lead to death for the victim. A study of 336 convicted
Cause and Effect of Domestic Violence 3
Offenders of domestic violence found that alcohol was a feature in 62% of offences and 48% were alcohol dependent.
References: Browne, A When Battered Women Kill. (The Free Press 1987) Ewing C. P.Battered Women Who Kill. (Lexington Books 1987). Roy, M .Children in the Crossfire, 1988. Conte, J. R., & Gelles, R.J. (1990). Domestic Violence and Sexual Abuse of Children: A Review of Research in the Eighties. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 52 (4), 1045-1058. National Woman Abuse Prevention Project, Washington, D.C. Bohn, D.K. & Holz, K.A. (1996). Sequelae of abuse: Health effects of childhood sexual abuse, domestic battering, and rape. Journal of Nurse-Midwifery, 41, 442-456 Giles-Sims, J. (1985) A Longitudinal Study of Battered Children of Battered Wives. Family Relations, 34 (2), 205- 210.