However, social conditions can and do encourage violence against women. One such social condition that promotes domestic violence is our society’s view of the family structure, with the belief that every group, family or relationship should have one person in charge, and that person has the right to ensure their power and control over others. Abusers usually have the following personality characteristics, either they were abused as children, they feel insecure, have poor verbal communication, have low self-esteem, need to dominate, have a lack of assertiveness, or they have dependency needs. If there are no negative consequences such as jail time and filing charges, then the message is that violence is acceptable. Abusers have learned to be abusive by watching others in the family and society. Abusers have also found that it is an effective way of establishing or regaining control in the household. Society must help to stop domestic violence. The government must ensure the safety and protection of assaulted women and their …show more content…
A key component to teaching our children is to set a positive example and to educate our society as a whole. Educating our society as a whole is a very important key to ending domestic violence. Educating our society as a whole is accomplished through changes in the way we practice things. Having stricter laws and regulations is important since most abusers are given a slap on the wrist, and it usually does not teach them a lesson at all. All it does is give our society a message that domestic violence is not a major crime and that they can get away with it. When communities can establish policies to arrest abusers, a message is sent from the police to the society that domestic violence is a crime that will and should not be taken lightly.
When they join with counseling programs for abusers, the message will also be that those who want to change will be given a chance to. It has been agreed upon by those who try to put an end to domestic violence that not only the individual abusers need help. These people also feel that we as a society also need help. Domestic violence is still allowed, even encouraged, by certain groups in our society. The media and entertainment industry does not pay enough attention to the seriousness of domestic violence. There are still police officers that will ignore