Eating Disorders What causes somebody to have an obsession with becoming so thin that it could seriously harm their body? Eating disorders are becoming an increasing problem. Women as well as men are falling into the trap of believing the idea that we all need to look like the people on television. It is estimated that eight million Americans can be associated with an eating disorder, seven million of that population is female and the other one million is male (Broccolo-Philbin, 23). But why are we doing this to ourselves? Is it just because of the television or is it more than that? Causes of eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, are being researched, analyzed, and published to help stop the increase of these obsessions.
Before determining the causes of an eating disorder we must know what an eating disorder is. “An eating disorder is a group of eating habits and attitudes about weight and body image that are serious emotional problems and can cause life-threatening physical problems” (Berg, 22). Some common eating disorders are anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and compulsive overeating, but what causes a person to obtain those habits of starving themselves or comparing their bodies to the thin models? Causes are being determined by professionals and ways to treat the disorders are being studied.
“I want to look just like her/him!” is something most teenagers and young adults hear themselves saying as they watch television or look through a magazine. The media has a huge impact on the young population as the years continue and the influence of technology rises. Teens strive to look just like an actor or actress, singer, sports player, and the list goes on and on. The reality is that most stars aren’t born that way. They have to work hard at looking the way the media wants them to with special low-calorie diets, personal trainers, and people to make them look perfect. Some stars have even taken drastic measures,