Causes and effects of human papillioma virus
Human papillioma virus is transmitted through invaded mucus membranes, those covering lining of mouth, tongue, cervix, anus, vagina and throat.( Giuliano, Anna & Raphael p.36) Human papillioma virus infection causes warts, near mucous membranes. Over weight is a cause which develops to adenocarcinoma of cervix. Sexual activities are the major causes of human papillioma virus transmition. Long term use of birth control pills, are also referred to as use of oral contraceptives. When birth control pills are taken longer than five years, this imposes big danger to the woman. Uses of intrauterine device have been proven to have lower risks of human papillioma virus. Intrauterine device has lower risks of endometrial cancer. A woman interested in using intrauterine device, as a method of birth control, should first discuss the matter with her doctor. She should ask the potential risks and benefits that come with the use of intrauterine device. Multiple full-term pregnancies have increased chances of developing cervical cancer (Kwon, Roberto and Gil p. 387). Women who get pregnant while at their teenage stand at higher risks developing human papillioma virus compared to the females who waited till twenty five years of age. Poverty plays a big role in human papillioma virus related disease. Women with low income, may find it very expensive to afford adequate healthcare facilities including; papanicolaous tests. Diethylstilbestrol is a hormonal drugs given to women to prevent miscarriage, this women develop adenocarcinoma clear cell of the cervix or vagina.
Symptoms and signs of cervical cancer can help us in awareness and early treatment. Abdominal vaginal bleeding, bleeding after vaginal intercourse is among the signs, spotting and bleeding between periods, bleeding after menopause and having heavier and longer menstrual periods, bleeding after pelvic exam or douching is a common symptom of