“The advantage to marriages with low expectations is that they have built in shock absorbers.” If the couple discovers that they have nothing in common, it is not so much of a reason for divorce at it is what is expected of most marriage. Based on this same way of thinking, disagreements or disappointments, such as an affair, are not as traumatic and are in fact traditionally tolerated in the case of a husband’s infidelity. Incidences such as these don’t automatically point straight to divorce, as most wives see it as a mutual failure and can use the opportunity to look for ways of improving themselves so that it does not continually happen in the future.…
Cheating during the course of a marriage is not considered as loyal or faithful. Many people do not allow cheating while other people beg to differ. Some couples accept cheating and say “forgive to forget” but that is not always the case. Both Garp and Helen experience infidelity during their marriage and they both handle it two different ways. Some women take it worse than men, but it can also be the other way around.…
Marriage is a broad concept to understand. The concept of marriage can mean different things to different people. Although many people go into a marriage with hopes high, things can still go awry. Even though marriage is a supposed bond for eternity, people can go into a marriage unprepared for what comes with the eternal bond. When one goes into a marriage unready, regret can fill the relationship fast and cause a drastic turn of events. A Secret Sorrow and A Sorrowful Woman are two totally different stories; The former encourages marriage while the latter makes the reader question marriage.…
At the beginning all marriages are good, but behind close doors is a complete different story. Most marriages seem good at the beginning like Jordan and Alicia in the Feather Pillow. However as marriages progress and the women feel like they are not wanted they would probably feel like Alicia weak and stressed. When husband and wives change reality sets into their love ones it’s not the same. Some will cheat and move on but some will stay and suffer cause they have no where to go like Alicia. To feature people who wont to get married are careful who you marry because it can lead to stress and pain.…
Cheating is quite common and the reasons are multiple. For this critical thinking paper, the topic I choose is Infidelity. I read an article called "Psychology of Infidelity: Why men and women cheat" by John Benson. This article was broken down into a few parts.Dr. Ley stated that men and women have a different outlook on cheating. A women tends to cheat more along the lines of a romance novel where she feels a lot of intimate attention and excitement. Men on the other hand cheat to get away. They are more likely to have one night stands then a long term secret relationship. They tend to want someone younger and want to feel that kind of escape. This article also talked a lot about how personality traits can be tied into infidelity. David Schmidt, psychologist at Bradley University, told Jay Dixit of Psychology Today, there are five personality factors and each has a different likelihood to cheat. Extroversion was the first trait. Extroverts are driven by sexual desires and seek pleasure. They tend to look for situations to satisfy their needs. Emotional Stability was another trait. People who are emotionally stable are less likely to wander off and cheat on their spouse. The third one was openness. Those who are open to trying new things might be more likely to cheat. Also, people who disregard other people's feelings and opinions might also be more likely to become unfaithful. The last one was conscientiousness. Those who struggle to control impulses and whose morals might not be structured usually are cheaters. This article gives you examples of what happens once an affair is out on the open. The person that cheated is often left feeling guilty and the person cheated on feels betrayal, anger and sadness. Surviving infidelity was the last topic in the article. Most relationships that give it another try after finding out that their partner was unfaithful, don't work out. There's always that lack of trust there. The relationships that do work out usually go…
Marriage is a relationship that can be beautiful between two wonderful people. There are some good and bad aspects to the institution of marriage that must be examined. One thing for certain, just about any marriage can be successful, if the right motives are in place. But understanding some of the do’s and don’t that will lead to a successful marriage and how to develop methods and strategies will that will help each couple will help to keep a marriage successful.…
Why do people cheat, I believe people cheat because they don’t feel a connection anymore to their relationship. They have lost the feel of what was once there and started looking for that feeling in other place versus in their relationship. The most common place for cheating to occur is at the workplace according to ABC news. Which is really true, think about it if you are such a “workaholic” the closest person your going to work with is that female or male employee , So you build a connection with that person because they’re the one your spending the most time with. Which also means your relationship at home is suffering because you don’t have that connection of spending time together with the person your in a relationship with.…
There are many ways in which infidelity can be explained depending on what you are reading or with whom you are speaking. Emotional and sexual infidelity is the two most studied forms of infidelity. The cognitive approach to infidelity explains that as our cognition is developing, we are also indirectly learning behaviors that could contribute to infidelity as adults. Infidelity no matter what the circumstances are surrounding it can leave both partners devastated. The circumstances surrounding infidelity can include a broad range excuses. The evolutionary approach to infidelity explains that men are more distressed by their partners committing sexual infidelity, whereas women are more distressed by their partners committing emotional infidelity. A Relationship Questionnaire describes how secure, fearful, preoccupied, and dismissing attachment styles relate to each gender.…
•It is estimated that roughly 30 to 60% of all married individuals (in the United States) will engage in infidelity at some point during their marriage (see, Buss and Shackelford for review of this research). And these numbers are probably on the conservative side, when you consider that close to half of all marriages end in divorce (people are more likely to stray as relationships fall apart; also see, who is likely to cheat).…
Marriages also fail because of lack of commitment between partners. Couples who are not committed enough and cheat on their partner will go through a divorce or they will no longer have the same trust they had for their partner. In the real world there are many instances where cheating happens and usually ends in a divorce. Also in the movie ‘He’s Just Not That Into You’, Ben cheats on his wife Janine when he is no longer committed to her.…
Marriage is one of the most popular and venerable institutions in American society. Little girls grow up dreaming of their "perfect" wedding, gay and lesbian couples fight for the right to legally marry, and fathers dream of walking their "little girls" down the aisle someday. However, marriage is changing in America, and divorce, once almost unheard of in history, has become much more prevalent. A group of writers note, "Marriage in America has changed a great deal over the past two generations, including increased incidence and social acceptance of divorce, cohabitation, premarital sex, and unwed childbearing" (Doherty, et al. 4). In fact, marriages declined in 2005, but divorces also declined to the lowest rate since 1970, something positive about a very negative subject (Editors). Divorce can influence every aspect of a person 's life, it has a very powerful affect on American culture, because it frames the way people live, work, and relate to others, and it influences just about every aspect of how people are viewed and view American culture.…
Marriage was originated to unite a man and a woman in the closest and most endearing way. During a marriage ceremony, the couple vows to be together forever whether the situations they face together are good or bad, and death is the only thing that should make them part. Unfortunately, many marriage vows are broken today, and the end result of this is separation or divorce. Due to an enormous…
In today’s world, marriage is a common institution. Unfortunately, divorce is also a common practice in today’s world as well. Divorce rates are currently at an all-time high, with half of all marriages ending in break ups. Although each divorce is different, there appear to be four main causes, which include: changes in the roles of women, modern stress, lack of communication, and substance abuse.…
Sexual infidelity among married and cohabiting Americans has shown itself to be a frequent action by many. Though more than 90% of the general public speak out against infidelity saying it is “wrong” for married people to engage with another human being in a sexual manner, many still find themselves guilty of this action. In this essay I will go over the three underlying topics, the first being the challenges that researchers encounter while trying to collect reliable data, and the steps that are taken to ensure data quality. The next being my design of a study to get the most reliable data possible, and lastly I will explain sexual infidelity from a psychological perspective and how psychological explanations differ from the sociological explanations in this article.…
Lacks of communication can cause severe issues. The root of marriage is communication, it helps gain trust. To maintain a healthy marriage, there has to be a full force of communication, without a marriage will fail. Communication is built on trust, seeing issues from the another point of view, before judging another. Communication is a mental, physical and verbal concept, which are all ways to communicate to one another. Most relationships fail as a result of lack of communication between the partners. Research study in Australia affirms that; over familiarity, busy lifestyles, personality differences and resentment connecting to other diversities are the major causes of lack of communication in a relationship. Although some partner can settle these problems on their own, many others require professional assistance to resolve these…