causes of crime And the raison d'etre successive governments have been unable and unsuccessful in dealing with this problem is primarily because they have all adopted a Euro-centric approach instead of an Afri-centric approach.
The Euro-centric approach focuses on the results/effects of a problem while the Afri-centric deals with the causes.
This writer strongly contends that the endemic causes of crime in Trinidad and Tobago are three-fold, viz, the 18th century imposed Euro-centric British education system, the abolition of corporal punishment in schools in February 2001 and the subliminal Americanisation of all aspects of life in Trinidad and Tobago, 24/7 365 days a year.
The fact of the matter is that the current Euro-centric education system produces young people who are unemployable, devoid of the vital life-survival- empowerment skills and any sense of direction plus low esteem.
As a result of all this societal baggage on their shoulders, these young people have no other choice but to resort to a life of crime to survive, And this mind-set makes sense to them, period.
The Euro-centric education system continues to imbue in these young people a sense of worthlessness, nothingness and unpreparedness.
At the end of their matriculation, these young people seriously and disgracefully lack the "3Rs"— Reading, Writing and Arithmetic. They are doomed, period.
They are totally convinced (rightly or wrongly) that society, as in the System, has failed them. They feel betrayed by society. Ipso facto, they not only internalise their accepted truism