Ron Clark describes situational crime prevention as ‘a pre-emptive approach that relies, not on improving society or its institutions, but simple on reducing opportunities for crime’. He identifies three features of measures aimed at situational crime prevention, firstly that they are directed at specific crimes, that they involve managing or altering the immediate environment of the crime and lastly that they aim at increasing the effort and risks of committing crime and reducing the rewards. For example, ‘target hardening’ measures such as increased surveillance in shops via CCTV or security guards increases the effort a shoplifter needs to make. Underlying situation crime prevention approaches is an rational choice theory. This is the view that criminals act rationally, weighing up the costs and benefits of a crime opportunity before deciding whether to commit it. This contrasts with theories that stress ‘root causes’ such as capitalist exploitation. Clarke argues that most theories offer no realistic solutions to crime. The most obvious things to do, he argues, is to focus on the immediate crime situation, since this is where possibility for prevention is greatest. Most crime is opportunistic, so we need to reduce the opportunities.…
Individuals lead to crime for slightly different reasons which relate to their unique genetic character, their corresponding mental ability, their socialization and life circumstances; it is the interplay of these and other variables, any one of which may be more determinative in a particular case that causes a particular individual to resort to crime. Consequently, crime, like poverty, doesn't lend itself very well to comprehensive solutions, unless these solutions simultaneously address all the dominant factors underlying its causation in the majority of cases. The “Urban Society-Gesellshaft Thesis” goes on to say that important normative constraint which served to deter criminal behavior in the past tend to be absent in modern urban societies. The dramatic increase in crime in the 19th and 20th centuries has been attributed to the absence of a sense of community in urban societies.…
Outline and assess the role of the police in the social construction of crime (50 marks)…
In this article Joel Waldfogel provided insight on evidence that prison does not deter crime. He looked at two major aspects in the prison and crime relation which are policing and imprisonment. He explains that prospect of getting caught and also of spending time in prison are meant to discourage rational potential offenders from criminal activities and that prison was also meant to prevents various crime by incapacitating harmful people. But Joel sighted studies from Columbia and Michigan University that provided different school of though. According to this study, because the deterrent…
Many principles of Classical Criminology can be seen in many forms of sentencing legislation and crime prevention methods used in contemporary society today. The Crimes Act ( Vic) 1958 is a prime example of legislation, which sets out an array of crimes and their prescribed punishments. One of the main points of the Classical School can be seen in this act, ‘the seriousness of the crime should be determined by the harm caused to society; crimes and punishments needed to be defined by legislature’. Section 18B of the Sentencing Act (vic) 1999 provides that the court may impose harsher sentences to offenders deemed a threat to the community. Another example in accordance to the principle that punishment should be proportionate to the crime and…
Although crime and deviance can be good, it can also disrupt the collective conscience and be a threat to society (Giddens. 1972). Removing crime completely is impossible as differences will form, no matter how small, crime is inevitable and will occur anyway (McLaughlin et al. 2013). However, sometimes crime is pathological and can put society at risk, it therefore has to be prevented or lessened (McLaughlin et al.…
Explain the strengths and weaknesses of one or more criminological theories for explaining crime in contemporary Britain…
The aim of the term paper is for you to demonstrate your command of the material used in the course, including compulsory readings (i.e. readings assigned on syllabus from Smarter Crime Control, readings from the internet and websites) as well as slides discussed and discussions in class. You must explain how the criminological data were obtained and what is the knowledge in plain English and make the case for using them to reduce interpersonal crime, avoid escalation in police costs and reduce use of incarceration, particularly pre-trial detention.…
Crime and deviance is an avoidable trait that will always exist within society. As a result,…
Critically evaluate the claim that it is social controls that prevent us all from committing crime.…
Theories are useful tools, which suggest the way things are and not the way things ought to be, we can use them to help us to understand the world around us. In terms of criminal and deviant behaviour the theories proposed in this subject area set out to try and give reason as to why an individual commits criminal or delinquent acts. In this essay I will be using biological, psychological and sociological explanations of criminality to suggest why individuals take part in criminal behaviours.…
3). Situational crime prevention aims to remove whatever is attractive to criminals about committing that particular crime. An example of this is the method they use at the shoe stores in the mall. At footlocker they only show you one shoe, this makes stealing non-rewarding for thieves. It would not make sense to only steal one shoe even if it was in your size. This approach reduces crime in quick and practical ways, by removing the opportunities a criminal has to commit a crime.…
Using material from Item A and elsewhere, assess the usefulness of subcultural theories in explaining ‘subcultural crime and deviance’ in society today. (21 marks) – Jan 2011…
The question I chose to respond to is to explain the sociological theories of crime. I chose…
We identify three main causes of crime one which is marginalisation, these are individuals who live on the borders of society and cannot take part in the society because of this. To stop this we will try and help people who live in poverty and those who cannot afford to get an education, by doing this crimes will definitely stop once and for all. The second cause of crime is relative deprivation which means that people who are deprived in contrast to others which leads them to commit crimes. To stop this we will ensure that we will try to put an end to it and in the end WE WILL PUT AN END TO IT! The final cause is subcultures which are mainly due to the fact that they live in a place where racism still exists and this is why they form subcultures. To stop this WE WILL PUT AN END TO RACISM and THIS WILL STOP PEOPLE FORMING SUBCTLTURES.…