There are three types of diabetes. Type I usually accounts for 5% of the cases diagnosed, which occur at a young age because of autoimmune, genetic, or environmental factors. Type II diabetes usually accounts for approximately 95% of the cases diagnosed in adults. Gestational diabetes diagnosed as a result of pregnancy 2% to10% of pregnant women. Etiology of the disease process includes the inability of an individual to produce enough insulin in the body or the inability of the body to use its insulin effectively. Uncontrolled blood sugar level in the body can lead to serious health complications, such as diabetic retinopathy, neuropathy, nephropathy, and eventually death. Diabetes considered also as the dominant cause of heart disease, and stroke. Medical expenses averaged more than twice as high for an individual without diabetes. The conjectured expenses of diabetes treatment and management in the United States amounted to $174 billion in 2007 (“Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,”…
Eating healthily prevents the development of complications, if they eat a balanced diet which contains a variety of vegetables this helps to provide a person with diabetes a body that receives enough nutrients to stay healthy.…
Several chronic diseases can occur in relationship to unhealthy eating. Cardiovascular disease, obesity and diabetes are a few. Eating foods high in fat can lead to coronary artery disease which can lead to heart blockage which can lead to death. High fat foods as well as over eating can lead to obesity, which can lead to cardiovascular disease and/or diabetes which can lead to death. Though most complications and/or diseases will manifest themselves in adulthood, looking back most will find the risk factors began in early childhood with poor food choices. As stated by Green Facts (n.d.), “The risks of developing chronic diseases begin in fetal life and continue into old age. Thus, adult chronic diseases reflect the combined effects of prior exposure to damaging environments.” As you can see, it is a vicious cycle we must be cognizant of throughout every stage of life.…
There are different people in the world who have impacted students’ life. In my 9 years of school, there has been one teacher that I really loved and she really impacted on my life by the way she handled things and how she lived her life. Her name was Mrs. Hollenbaugh. She impacted my life because she would always encourage us to stick to our dreams and also because she would take responsibility unlike some people and own up to her mistakes. But she would learn from that mistake and become a better person by not doing that mistake again.…
Diabetes is a group of diseases that is caused by high levels of blood glucose and is caused by defects in insulin production. Diabetes is one of the leading causes of death and disability in the United States. There are a few different types of Diabetes, There is type 1, which used to be called juvenile diabetes and is caused by the body’s immune system attacking and destroying its own insulin producing beta cells in the pancreas. Type 1 accounts for about five percent while type 2 accounts for around ninety to ninety five percent of all diagnosed cases (Services, 2011). Type 2 will occur when the body cannot use the insulin produced effectively or does not produce enough insulin and usually happens in adults over the age of forty but is becoming more common for younger age groups.…
Diabetes is not a disease to be taken lightly. It is a major risk factor for heart attack and stroke, and the second-leading cause of blindness and kidney failure. It's also the main reason that individuals have their legs amputated. While diabetes can be treated, it's obviously much better to avoid developing it in the first place. In addition, medical treatment for diabetes does little to lessen its effect on heart attack and stroke. So to maximize your health, minimize your chance of developing diabetes in the first place.…
It can be argued that there is no greater health concern in the world, and in particular, the United States than the rapidly increasing number of people diagnosed with diabetes. Relatively recent changes to the diet and lifestyle of the general public have created a "perfect storm" of conditions that seem to perpetuate the onset of diabetes in an increasing number of people on a daily basis.…
Summerfield, L. (2011).Nutrition, Exercise, and Behavior: An Integrated Approach to Weight Management. New York: Cengage Learning.…
Diabetes is a disease that afflicts millions of people worldwide each and every year. For many, diabetes has been with them for their entire lives, others however develop diabetes as they grow older. According to the World Health Organization, (WHO, 2011) 346 million people worldwide have diabetes. Approximately 3.4 million people died from consequences of high blood sugar in 2004 of which more than 80% of diabetes occur in low- and middle-income countries. It was also projected that the number of deaths as a result of diabetes will double between 2005 and 2030. Currently, diabetes imposes a large economic burden on the national healthcare system. Healthcare expenditures on diabetes account for 11.6% of the total healthcare expenditure in the world in 2010.…
Diabetes is a disease where your body’s blood glucose level is increased. In adults twenty or older, one in every ten have diabetes. This startling fact could be caused from obesity. While…
From an increased risk of heart failure, to sadly the 7th leading cause of death in America today, the illness is nothing to joke or to be taken lightly (Simple Steps to Preventing Diabetes). However, as mentioned before the malady is often very different from person to person. Mr. Chandler an AP and Dual credit teacher at Conroe high is known to be very open to the experiences he deals with his type 1 diabetes. “I would say everyone should be taught and understand glycemic index, the number associated with a particular type of food, and the effect it has on one’s body. Apart of this understanding, those who do not have this issue should realize I have my health under control. If I decide to eat a sweet, I have thought it through, and I don’t feel it's necessary for you to remind me I have diabetes.” Digestion of more sugar based foods is not necessarily harder to digest, but rather doesn't stay in the body long enough for one to make energy or other proteins for one's self (Matthan). Lastly from Isabelle Newton’s perspective , a Conroe high school custodian and diabetic. She believes one can become enlightened to what she presumes to be the start for young people to make this knowledge more of a priority, “It starts at home ,with your parents teaching you the right eating habits. Not only this, but the school plays a huge role in the increasing child diabetes. It doesn't take more effort to make good food, and if more staff is needed so be it, because I see the trash the kids throw away, I can't imagine what they put in their bodies.” The students and staff at Conroe high see ways to change and inform the people who are willing to listen, nutrition and the process of digestion have components that should be looked further into and…
Finally, diabetes is a serious disease, especially because we do not know everything about it. Environmental factors, diet and exercise are just a few things that may trigger this disease. It is known that genetics are definitely a…
Diabetes is a disease in which the body does not produce or properly use insulin. Insulin is a hormone that is needed to convert sugar, starches and other food into energy needed for daily life. The cause of diabetes continues to be a mystery, although both genetics and environmental factors such as obesity, drinkers, smokers and lack of exercise appear to play roles. In the United States alone there are approximately 23.6 million people that have been diagnosed with diabetes and about 5.7 million people that have it and don’t know it.…
Diabetes affects a lot of people. My sister has it and family has a history of it as well. Many people need to learn about how it affects people and their lives.…
There is something in the world that people are crazy for. It’s something that they just couldn’t live without and they always want more of it. That is the sweet taste of sugar. Although that sweet taste that everyone loves can’t be devoured by every person. The people that I am talking about is the people that are diabetics. Some diabetics can’t have any sugar or if they can have some it is very little. Imagine what you would do having to watching every little thing that you eat. That’s what diabetics have to do to survive. I am going to tell you about the different types of diabetes, how diabetics take cares of themselves, and about the future of diabetes.…