Harry Truman once said “If we do not abolish war on this earth, then surely one day war will abolish us from the earth.” There will always be conflict in the world whether it’s between two people or two countries, and all conflicts have to lead somewhere There were many conflicts between many different countries and states. Many of the conflicts lead to war between countries and states, and many of those conflicts lead to the Cold War, which brings me to a question “What were the 5 main causes of the cold war? The United States invading Russia, WWII, the Atomic Bomb, the Speeches and last but not least the Political and Economic Differences between the United States and the Soviet Union.
According to Simon Wendt “The seeds of antagonism date back to 1917.”(wendt 1) The United States grouped together soldiers to help Europe take over Russia’s government which was communist, but we had failed at out attempt to do so. It was not until 1933 that the United States recognized the Soviet Union as a country.
Germany invaded the U.S.S.R in 1914, killing over 24 million russians, doing so caused a conflict between the two countries which contributed to the causing of the Cold War. Germany invaded Russia because they felt like they needed more space for their country. So they attacked Russia in hope that they would be successful. The United States promised Russia that they would come help them fight off Germany But the United states did not show up till 1944, almost 3 years later! They needed supplies and the United States was to provide Russia with that aid. When the United States finally showed up to help Russia “Roosevelt had reneged on his promise three times” (Wendt 2)
The Atom bomb was a main cause of the cold war, “the decision to use and develop a nuclear bomb coupled with our refusal to shape it with the soviets’ ( Wendt 1). “The atomic bomb became the final divisive issue contributing to the ultimate breakdown of the