The Europeans were introduced to animals from the natives. However, the only animal they traded for was the turkey. They also were introduced to a plethora of new plants like maize, potatoes, sweet potatoes, peppers, beans, peanuts, squash, pumpkins, pineapples, tobacco,
and tomatoes. However, there was an exchange of diseases too. The Europeans unknowingly brought diseases like Smallpox, Bubonic Plague, and Influenza to the native population. The locals never experienced diseases like those which did help in defeating the native empires. The overall impact of the exchange was a change in the diets of Europeans and Native Americans, as well as new ways of providing food. The new plants Europe and the Americas received changed their diets by having more varieties to consume. Agriculturally, this helped in food production. Food production rapidly increased. With the transactions with animals, new farming opportunities would be created and provide more food supplies to the people.