Cellular phones have been around for a quite a long time. Cell phones have advance over time and now have many features that make them unique and specific. Now phone companies are in competition with each other to see who has the better cell phone service. Every cell phone works different and everybody use their cell phone for different a reason which is why people have a different taste in cell phones. People usually look for a cell phone that matches what they need and their style. Some people just buy that particular cell phone because of the brand.
Some companies look for phone companies to invest in. There is so many which they do not know which one to invest in. Cause there is over thousands of phones in the world. Most of them are old and some are very new. Some has the same qualities and features as other while some have very particular features that make them unique. The Samsung Galaxy S4, iPhone 5, and HTC One phones are the top of the line phones in today’s society that people love to use.
All three phones can do the basics like any other smart phone can do. They can call friends, family, co-workers, and any other people. They can text people from wherever in the world. They have camera which they can take pictures and they can also record and make videos. The smart phones have Internet which they can on websites like Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc. They all are touch screens which you use your hand to touch the screen to make it do what you want it to do. They have applications, or apps, which they can simply download from their phone through Internet. With the apps, they can download just about anything. There have apps for games like racing, shooting, adventure, strategy, cards, and so. There are also other apps that can be use like apps for books, movies, and more. Anything you can think of having, more than likely there is an app for that.
With all the phones having all that, what makes each of
References: Plitch, A. (n.d.). 12 best new features of the Samsung Galaxy S4 | MNN - Mother Nature Network. Environmental News and Information | MNN - Mother Nature Network. Retrieved August 18, 2013, from http://www.mnn.com/green-tech/gadgets-electronics/stories/12-best-new-features-of-the-samsung-galaxy-s4 Sense TV- The Times of India. (n.d.). The Times of India: Latest News India, World & Business News, Cricket & Sports, Bollywood. Retrieved August 19, 2013, from http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/tech/slideshow/Sense-TV/itslideshow/18593905.cms Smith, J. (2013, April 17). 21 Hidden iPhone 5 Features. GottaBeMobile : iPhone, Android and Mobile News & Reviews. Retrieved August 19, 2013, from http://www.gottabemobile.com/2013/04/17/21-hidden-iphone-5-features/