
Cell Phones vs Landline Phones

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Cell Phones vs Landline Phones
Cell Phone vs. Landline Phones Remember the days where the only cell phones around were as big and heavy as a walkie talkie device? Now in this time of age, where everything is on the go, cell phone usage and technology has come a long way and gotten to be more popular and than using a landline phone. About 20 years ago, cell phone usage was strictly for the wealthy people and considered a luxury. The celebrities, the rich, and successful business people were the only ones to have them. Now everybody and their kids carry a touchscreen and “smart” phone device because it is classified as a necessity. According to the National Center for Health Statistics in the US in 2009, one in four homes depended on cell phones and one in seven homes had a landline but received all or most of phone calls on cell phones. (Donahue, 2010). Since the increase of cell phone usage around the world, can cell phones eliminate the use of landline phones due to technology advancements, cost efficient, and having constant communications on the go? Cells phones have come a long way from the being big, heavy and bulky that many people prefer them over just an old landline phone. Many people are cell phone user vs. landline phone users due to many technology advancements. All the new inventions of new cell phone devices and the enhancements in the products, sizes and features win people over any traditional, boring landline phone with no cool features. Many companies offer the new Apple iPhone and Android technology where they can download many different applications. Cell phones not only offer you the same traditional features as a landline phone but also offer applications that can give you the listings of all the nearest restaurants, cheapest gas and turn by turn directions to anywhere. Wireless providers also offer a wide range of services that truly provide communications on the go. These services include talking, texting, emailing, creating and editing documents,

References: Cell Phone vs. Landline phone. 2/14/2006; Landlines vs. Cell Phones. Wendy Donahue; "Is it Time to cut the cord?"; July 22, 2010; Chicago Tribune; Cell phone vs. Landline. Mike Snider; 4/21/2011; "More people ditching home phone for mobile"; USA Today;

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