
Cellular Respiration

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Cellular Respiration
Cellular respiration is a biochemical pathway in which cells produce ATP or energy and carbon dioxide as metabolic waste by breaking down the chemical bonds of food molecules. Cellular respiration is a type of aerobic respiration which needed oxygen in order to produce ATP which occurring in the mitochondria. Meanwhile, in the absence of oxygen, the cells will undergo anaerobic respiration to produce ATP in the cytoplasm. Anaerobic respiration can be divided into two parts which are lactic acid fermentation and alcoholic fermentation. Lactic acid fermentation usually occurs in human muscle cells, or bacteria while alcoholic fermentation used in the process of making beer and bread.
In this case study, we will mainly discuss anaerobic
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As our bodies perform strenuous exercise, we need to shuttle more oxygen to our working muscle, so we will breathe more faster, in order to compensate the oxygen lost. Thus, the breathing activity after exercise can be explained due to the existence of the oxygen debt. Usually, the body prefers using aerobic respiration to generate energy, which is with the presence of oxygen. However, under some circumstances, we required faster energy production than our bodies can adequately deliver oxygen. Therefore, in such cases, the working muscles generate energy anaerobically in which the energy comes from the glucose that is broken down into 10 series of steps and produces pyruvate as the end products. When the body has an abundance of oxygen, the pyruvate is shuttled to the anaerobic pathway to be further broken down for more energy production. But when the oxygen is limited, the body temporarily converts pyruvate into a substance called lactate, which allows the breaking down the glucose and thus the continuity of energy production. Anaerobic respiration produces high rates of energy that can be used by the working muscle cells for one to three minutes, during which time lactate can accumulate to high

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