Fatigue is caused when glucose is broken down and oxidized to the pyruvate, and lactate is produced from the pyruvate faster than the tissues can remove it, so lactate concentration begins to rise. First, ATP breaks down creating energy for the muscular contraction. Then it binds to the myosin head and reattaches itself creating contraction. Glycogen is the storage form of glucose and is used to generate energy faster, producing lactic acid, In order for exercise to continue for any length of time, ATP must quickly and continually be reformed. This is accomplished by finding other sources of inorganic phosphate and energy so ADP can be reconverted back to ATP. The rate of lactic acid accumulation will depend upon the demand placed on ATP to release energy for muscular contraction, and the ability of creative phosphate and aerobic metabolism to meet that
Fatigue is caused when glucose is broken down and oxidized to the pyruvate, and lactate is produced from the pyruvate faster than the tissues can remove it, so lactate concentration begins to rise. First, ATP breaks down creating energy for the muscular contraction. Then it binds to the myosin head and reattaches itself creating contraction. Glycogen is the storage form of glucose and is used to generate energy faster, producing lactic acid, In order for exercise to continue for any length of time, ATP must quickly and continually be reformed. This is accomplished by finding other sources of inorganic phosphate and energy so ADP can be reconverted back to ATP. The rate of lactic acid accumulation will depend upon the demand placed on ATP to release energy for muscular contraction, and the ability of creative phosphate and aerobic metabolism to meet that