I started waiting here two hours ago.
I am still waiting here now.
Subject + have/has + past participle (been) + present perfect continuous
Contraction of I and have – I’ve
Been – weak /i/
Waiting - /wei/
Show picture 1 of myself sat at a table with a knife and fork in my hands with a big clock in the background. The time on the clock is 7pm. I am happy.
Ask: Am I waiting for food? Yes
Show picture 2 of myself sat at a table with a knife and fork in my hands. The time on the clock is 9pm. I am unhappy.
Time line: Me ←-----------------------→ Past 7pm Now 9pm Future
Ask: Am I still waiting? Yes
Ask: How long? 2 hours
Ask: Why am I unhappy? Because I've been waiting for two hours
To elicit… “I've been waiting…”
Concept Questions
Was I waiting two hours ago? Yes
Am I still waiting now? Yes
Am I still in the same place? Yes
Anticipated Difficulties and Solutions
Form: ss may drop the contraction (‘ve) – “I been” or “I wait”
Solution: Highlight form by underlining problem areas on w/b – demonstrate “I have” and then “I’ve” – drill ss may just say, "I've been here for two hours"
Solution: Use CCQs to establish what they have been doing for those two hours
Phonology: ss may over pronounce the “ee” in “been” and mispronounce “waiting”
Solution: Use phonemics on w/b – waiting /wei/ + been
Concept: ss may not understand “waiting” as past and present
Solution: Use time line on w/b to highlight when
I wish I didn’t live in London.
I live in London.
I don’t want to live in London.
I live in London because I have to.
Subject + base form + subject + past simple
Pronunciation live = not (as in alive)
Weak /t/ in didn’t
Show picture 1 of myself, very unhappy sat in front of a house with a sign over the door saying, “My Home”. In the background is Big Ben. There is a
Bibliography: Practical English Usage – Third Edition by Michael Swan English Grammar in Use – Third Edition by Raymond Murphy A Basic English Grammar by John Eastwood & Ronald Mackin Concept Questions and Time Lines by Graham Workman