Course: Celta
By: Syed Ahmed
Submission date:15/08/2011
Rationale for lesson
The reason why radio advertisement has been chosen is due to the following:
• I would expect students listen to the radio everyday. They are exposed to radio advertisement whether it is in English or in their native language. It is a useful area to explore as students will pick up a few words used in advertisements and hence generate interest in learning the language.
• This area will be interesting as some students may not like a particular advertisement and some may do. This will encourage a healthy discussion amongst the students. A lead in/ warmer can be introduced regarding this subject followed by activities after the listening exercise that would encourage students to practice their productive skill (listening).
• This exercise was chosen because students require a lot of concentration while listening to the task hence it demands listening. It also gives an opportunity for students to check their answers in pairs. (Scrivener 2005, p. 176).
• This lesson is appropriate to the upper-intermediate students as they should have the knowledge of lexis relating to advertisements. This means I can concentrate on a few words for lexis and therefore allow more time for the students to focus on their skills based part (listening) and their follow on tasks.
Task 1: The pre-listening task (p.64)
This task is a good introduction to the topic of radio advertisements as it is easy. This will be a good lead in to the topic. Students will be asked to state their favourite advertisement and if they listen to the radio. A top down method has been used in this exercise where we are making use of what we already know to assist us to foresee the content and structure of the text. This gives an overall impression of the message (Scrivener 2005 p. 178).
(Scrivener, 2005) states that we cannot use a bottom-up method i.e.
Bibliography: Scrivener, J (2005). Learning Teaching. Macmillan.