Lead-in: Discuss the General Topic
A PPT showing the pictures of the ‘bad habits’ from the lesson, students work in pairs and discuss what the ‘bad habits’ are and who in their family do such things. After the pair work, check with the whole class and see if they have figured out all the vocabulary that they will need in the later parts of the lesson.
By doing this activity, on the one hand, students have the first chance to get familiar with issues that will be mentioned later on in the listening text; on the other, by relating the topic to their real life, students can feel more comfortable and confident in the following tasks.
This activity is important also because many Elementary stage students may have learned the related language in their previous education, but need to repeat using it multiple times before they can really know how to use the language properly.
Listen for the gist
Jeremy Harmer stated in The Practice of English Language Teaching that good listeners are able to take in a stream of discourse and understand the gist of it without worrying too much about the details. Listeners use their processing power to get more of a top-down view of what has been conveyed by e text.
In reality, many ESL learners have the natural urge of paying too close attention to every single word and very often cannot see the bigger picture. Gist tasks are usually looking for one or two of general topics & themes, situations, feelings, relationship between characters, etc.
To encourage students to practice the gist-listening skill, I would provide them with some questions (Appendix 1). The questions are not asking for specific information, but some general ideas from the text.
Listen for specific information:
Harmer said in The Practice of English Language Teaching that many times we listen to something in everyday life because we want extract specific bits of information (a fact or two). We may listen to the new, merely