The text I am selecting is a description of a clown who works in a circus, and a description of his everyday life. I chose this text for the following reasons:
Recent research has indicated that how interesting a text is will affect students' cognitive performance. This kind of "interestingness," or text-based interest, was the focus of the study […] a content analysis performed on the recall protocols showed that the interest-evoking strategies were most effective in increasing children's recall of concrete, specific, or personally involving information […]
Suzanne Hidi
William Baird
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
All the students we are now teaching in the Beginners level have different backgrounds and are in Halifax for different reasons. However, they have in common that they have been living or they will be living here for quite a long period of time. I assume that students have been introduced more than once, and I also assume that they have introduced themselves or other people more than once.
A descriptive text provides the learner with the necessary tools for describing themselves, which means they can introduce themselves into a group. It also means they can introduce members within the sphere of their family or social life.
Learners will see this text as a means for putting spare words they already know altogether to build a description that can be useful for them in their situation in Halifax
When we plan lessons, we need to remember that every learner has an individual range of levels, that every class is a mixed-level class and that we are planning something that may not be appropriate for some and may be easy or difficult for others […]
James Scrivener
Learning Teaching p 69, Conclusions about level, Macmillan books for teachers
This text is appropriate at the beginners level because they will know most of the words from
Bibliography: Assignment C CELTA assignment 3 : LSRT Sample, page 13 Learning Teaching by-James-Scrivener, Macmillan books for teachers http://clivesir.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/wa1-a.pdf, Clive Elsmore Study on “interestingness” by Suzanne Hidi and William Baird - Ontario Institute for Studies in Education