1. Identify needs and planning 2. Designing 3. Deliver/Facilitate 4. Assessing 5. Evaluating
A teacher’s roles and responsibilities can be divided into subsections and placed into the teaching training cycle as shown above. There are other variations of the cycle in existence which are used and allow for further subdivision of the above stages, giving more detail but adhering to the same basic principle, such as the nine stage cycle used by the Florida Center for Instructional Technology (2012). No matter which one is used however, the cyclical nature of the teaching training cycle allows the teacher to continually assess and improve a lesson, due to the ability to amend any stage at any given time upon receipt of further information.
1. Identifying Needs
There are many methods that a teacher can use to assess a learners hopes and needs such as pre-course questionnaires, application forms, verbal questioning and observations, or indeed information supplied by other organisations such as a learner’s employer.
“You will need to identify the learning needs, styles, aspirations and potential of your learners. What they expect to learn may not be what you expect them to learn” Gravells, (2008. 37).
A frequent problem encountered in my industry (security and conflict management) is that learners are reluctant to disclose any needs which they may have, such as a lack of basic numeracy or literacy skills and as such I must constantly observe and adapt my delivery so as to include all learners and allow them to feel comfortable, without the perceived ‘stigma’ of disclosing any issues. Another area of which one must be constantly aware is that of catering for other needs such as disability, access or audio/visual aids as on the whole I would say that I train able bodied persons but would need to be aware of other’s needs.