Review what your role, responsibilities and boundaries would be in terms of the teacher/training cycle.
The teaching/training cycle “diagram” provides a clear visual summary of the components of an effective teaching process. It also serves as a reminder that good teaching is an evolving and iterative process, indicating that continuous improvement can start at any point in the cycle.
Having reviewed the Roles Responsibilities and Boundaries in terms of the learning cycle I can see a degree of overlap e.g. “A flexible adaptable approach”, could be both a role and a responsibility and could also fall into more than one aspect of the cycle i.e. Facilitation and Planning & Design.
I understand that amongst other things my “role” is to provide structured, timed and adaptable lesson plans, and to deliver the course, in a professional, and credible way. The provision of suitable resources and facilities to ensure inclusivity, and to meet the needs of a variety of learning abilities and styles, is another essential aspect of the role.
I am aware that my “responsibilities” will include practical issues such as health, safety and welfare, my personal continuous professional development and for clear structured and methodical record keeping. In addition I will be responsible for the less easily quantified areas of motivation, managing the class in terms of order, discipline and encouragement. Also for knowing my “audience” in terms of their specific and ever changing needs and learning styles.
I believe that clear and unambiguous boundaries should be viewed as beneficial and supportive. Many boundaries will be legislative e.g. Data Protection, Human Rights, Equal Opportunities etc., others may be in terms of good practice e.g. establishing ground rules, time keeping etc.
The above provides an overview of Roles, Responsibities and Boundaries. Next I will outline other significant activities in terms of the Learning Cycle.
Identification of needs
References: Gravells Ann; (2007) Prepare to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector, Learning Matters, 3nd edition P11, P95.