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1 PART A: COURSE-SPECIFIC INFORMATION 1 2 2.1 2.2 2.4 2.5 3 STAFF CONTACT DETAILS COURSE DETAILS Teaching Times and Locations Units of Credit Course Aims and Relationship to Other Courses Student Learning Outcomes LEARNING AND TEACHING ACTIVITIES 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 5 6 1 2 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 4 5 COURSE RESOURCES COURSE EVALUATION AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM LEARNING GOALS AND OUTCOMES ACADEMIC HONESTY AND PLAGIARISM STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES AND CONDUCT Workload Attendance General Conduct and Behaviour Occupational Health and Safety Keeping Informed SPECIAL CONSIDERATION AND SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMINATIONS STUDENT RESOURCES AND SUPPORT 10 11 16 17 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 21…
I would be expected to be active in supporting and supervising the pupil’s learning under the plan of class teacher. By following the plan set out by the teacher I would firstly organise and set out the required resources e.g:- chairs,…
1.2-1.4 The teaching and learning cycle (Gravels, 2011, p10) consists of the following phases; identifying needs & planning, designing, facilitating, assessment and evaluation. The cycle can be started at any phase but should be followed all the way round for it to be most effective. There are many different roles, responsibilities and boundaries as a teacher, for example at the stage of planning my role is to plan what will be taught and when this will happen and my responsibility is to agreeing individual learning plans, writing realistic aims and having a contingency plan in place.…
| * Explain Unit gh19 and GH20 * Describe salon and legal requirements when dressing long hair * Describe safe, effective and hygienic working methods when dressing hair * Decribe the effects on the hair structure when styling and dressing long hair * Describe the preparation requirements for dressing long hair * Identify the different dressing techniques used on long hair * Explain the importance of taking into consideration the different factors that may affect the service…
In this assignment I will be looking at the five stages of the teaching cycle. I will also identify the legislative requirements and codes of practise that directly impact on teaching and the learning environment. The cycle can be followed by teacher and learner alike and must be followed for learning to be truly effective as described in the following quote: Ann Gravells (2008: 27) “It’s called as cycle as you can start at any point, but you must follow through all the other points for teaching and learning to be effective.”…
In this assignment we will cover why we need legislation and codes of practice in teaching and learning and explain the four stages of the teaching/ training cycle which are planning, delivering, assessing and evaluation and why record keeping is important in teaching and learning. Teachers and trainers within the education sector have a duty of care, legislation and codes of practice ensure that they are operating within the law.…
Analyse the boundaries that you would maintain as a teacher and evaluate these responsibilities with other professionals.…
Level 4: Evaluate a range of ways to embed elements of Functional Skills in your specialist area.…
The main role of a teacher/trainer should be to teach in a way which engages learners and actively engage learning during every lesson irrespective of the environment. In my position as IT manager at Barnsley College there are roles and responsibilities that are set to facilitate personal and organisational goals the same can be said for teaching and learning. As a teacher/trainer I will need to be able to adapt my style of teaching by being a friend, counsellor, mentor to ensure that my learners are able to rely on me to meet their individual learning needs. To this end I have the role of assessor, most learners have different learning needs and it is my job to identify these needs as part of the teaching and learning cycle to ensure my students get the best experience of learning possible. I will need to have the skills to promote equality and diversity and inclusion in the classroom. Initial assessments will help me to identify my learners needs which could include poor hand writing, poor reading skills, or any disability that is a barrier to the individuals learning need, A diagnostic test will be carried out to identify individual learner needs and if any further support is required this will then form the root of the individual learning plan. By doing the initial and diagnostic tests this will enable me as the trainer to understand how to apply the different assessment methods to meet the needs of the individual student which in turn may increase the motivation of the student and give me the confidence to deliver the training. Assessing the learners needs skills and knowledge will help to identify any areas that may need to be referred or where advice and guidance can be given to support learners to achieve.…
The aim of this assignment is to show an understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the teacher and the relationships between the different professional bodies in the education and training environment. This will be done by exploring the teaching role and responsibilities within education and training. Ways in which to maintain a safe and supportive environment will be explained. It will also be necessary to show an understanding of relationships that exist between of professionals in education and training.…
As a teacher in the learning environment I feel it is very important to meet the requirements and needs of the Students. It is the teacher’s responsibility to ensure that the Students feel that they can express themselves and self realise their true potential. The single most important attribute of a good teacher is that they are approachable in all aspects of the training. You are responsible for the guiding, developing and the overall safeguarding of the learner. As ‘thee’ mentor flexibility and diversity are useful and key tools in your approach to the academic environment. Although the roles and responsibilities in education are varied, as a teacher you should standardise your practice with others and prepare delivery material. Following SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely) teaching theory is a great aid to preparing your lesson. The purpose of setting goals is for those goals to be achieved; using the SMART criteria helps ensure that the goals are within reason and attainable. Setting objectives will empower the learner to address certain issues pertaining to any goal that is not being achieved. A well detailed, well-setup goal has the best chance of being achieved. Having the ability to listen, support and guide, be inspiring, clear communication with your Students, other professionals and stakeholders, promote appropriate behaviour, being reflective, which means learning from success aswell as mistakes, and being aware of support mechanisms (thecriticalblog, 2013). As a teacher you are also responsible for identifying learner’ specific needs, this is critical because if these are not identified the training will not achieve the intended outcome. There are many methods in which we can you use to determine the level of our learner such as using assessments to determine where our learner is educationally. Having an…
1.1 Summarise key aspects of legislation, regulatory requirements and codes of practice relating to your own role and responsibilities In my own role in the lifelong learning sector I have responsibilities to be aware of and follow, Legislations, Regulatory requirements and codes of practise, all of these will have a direct impact on my teaching and my learning environment. The legislative requirements I must follow are: Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 The Health and Safety at Work Act is the foundation of British Health and Safety law, it describes the general duties that employers have towards their employees and to members of the public, the act was introduced to provide a comprehensive and integrated piece of legislation dealing with the Health and Safety of people at work and the protection of the public from work activities, the Act imposes a duty of care on everyone at work related to their roles this will provide and maintain a safe and comfortable teaching environment for everybody. If a Company has 5 or more employees attending a course it is a legal requirement of the Company that they ensure they have the correct levels of Public Liability and Professional Indemnity Insurance in place before the commencement of the course. All equipment used in the work place, classroom must be regularly checked for serviceability with any findings reported, any accidents or incidents must be recorded in an accident book which must be available to any enquiring body. This will have an impact on me as a teacher as it will be my responsibility to ensure that the learning environment is a safe and secure place. I will do this by performing an assessment of the classroom. For example I will look for trailing wires and ensure that there are no other trip or slip hazards. I will also ensure that there is adequate lighting and heating so that the learners are comfortable within the environment. Also…
Kolbs Learning Cycle Roles and Responsibilities of a teacher • To help students Achieve their goals • Establishing Ground Rules • Safeguarding • Health and Safety • Equality and Diversity • Keeping Records •…
The process I have adopted throughout my teaching is a five stage teacher/training cycle, that of identifying needs and planning, designing, assessing, evaluating and facilitating lessons (McGuigan: 2011), whether it is in conjunction with a scheme of work and its corresponding lesson plans, or whether the course and lessons are self-generated. This process allows teachers to handrail good practice whilst applying the roles of a teacher, and conversely the ten roles, (Harrison et al: 2007) carried out diligently, help assisting the teacher in continuous personal development, not only as teachers, but as leader. Although it may appear that by asking a teacher to be a leader I am asking them to run before walking, as I shall reflect, it is hard to imagine how a teacher can be effective without sharing, introducing and reflecting with colleagues in the style the ten roles below suggest. The first part of this essay therefore discusses the ten roles and how, when followed help career development. The second part of this essay will concern itself with professional bodies and the qualifications than can provide in helping teachers in the life-long learning sector to stay concurrent and a reflection of my role in it, as well as the CPPD I have undertaken and plan to action in the future.…
1 PART A: COURSE-SPECIFIC INFORMATION 1 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 3 STAFF CONTACT DETAILS COURSE DETAILS Teaching Times and Locations Units of Credit Summary of Course Course Aims and Relationship to Other Courses Student Learning Outcomes LEARNING AND TEACHING ACTIVITIES 1.1 Communication with Staff 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 8 1 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 6…