My role as a teacher would involve initial assessment of all individual students in order to plan my scheme of work and also meet student needs in order to create a positive learning environment. It is important to develop a scheme of work outlining what a teacher and a learner want to achieve from the lesson. This might include details like the plan for the lesson, including aim and objective, timing, activities, assessment method and resources. The initial assessment would involve finding out prior learning undertaken by each student in a similar subject. It would be beneficial to find if any student has a learning difficulty. After the understanding of prospective class I can plan and accommodate different learning styles.
The planning of the lesson is very important for positive learning. It is essential that tutors are aware of the requirements of the awarding body, their own organisation and legal obligations such as health and safety. As a teacher I would have to develop useful assessment techniques. The two main types of assessment would be formative and summative. Cohen L. et al (2004, pp330) suggests that formative assessment provides feedback to teachers and students on the current understanding. This creates a rich learning environment as the teacher and students will know during the lesson where the learner is weak and can improve on and this will result in constructive learning. A summative assessment helps