Understanding Roles, Responsibilities and Relationships in Education and Training
Unit 301
The areas covered within this leaflet are:
The teaching role and responsibilities in education and training
How the teaching/training role involves working with other professionals
The boundaries between the teaching role and other professional roles including points of referral to meet the needs of learners
The key aspects of legislation, regulatory requirements and codes of practice relevant to the roles and responsibilities of our own professional role
As teacher’s we are committing to a life time of learning and development of ourselves and our learners.
The roles and responsibilities in education and training.
These are varied, as a teacher we should standardise our practices with others, prepare the material we wish to deliver. Have the ability to listen, be knowledgeable, support and guide. Ensure the security of learners whilst complying with the Data Protection Act (DPA) 1998. Maintain records of learner’s’ progress; make learning fun, interesting and informative.
There are 5 stages to the teacher/training cycle (ref. a) which identify the roles and responsibilities in education and training, they are:
• Identifying Needs
The roles here are to assess, interview and potentially be a curriculum developer. We have the responsibility of finding out the motivations and the expected level of achievement required for the course we aim to teach. Work out the level of knowledge and experience that the learners have and are capable of studying at in order to identify any additional needs. An initial assessment will show how much support may be required to ensure that every student has the highest possible chance of success.
• Planning
The roles here are to be an organiser, researcher or having to be a liaison with external bodies. We have the responsibility to plan and design a course to make sure it meets the needs if the learners. Our courses