Question 1: Describe what your role, responsibilities and boundaries as a teacher would be in terms of the teaching/training cycle.
It would be my responsibility as the teacher to carry out initial assessment before the students are excepted on to the course, to make sure the student have the knowledge and the previous experience needed to cope with the course. Also this would be the time when the I (teacher) would find out if the student has any learning difficulties or disabilities.
In order for a class or course to be successful there is extensive planning involved, a scheme of work will be written as an overview of what will be covered over the length of the course or …show more content…
It is important that the appropriate methods or mixture of methods are used to successfully assist the progress of learning. Learning activities will encourage creativity and enthusiasm and promote independent learning. Example learning activities would be games, essays, group work or case studies. Ice Breakers are a effective way of starting a lesson they help people get to know each other help the students to relax. They also break down the barriers, encourage teamwork and establish trust within the class.
When delivering a lesson it is important that the students are aware of their limits this is why it is essential that ground rules be put in place. I also believe that rules and expectations form the foundations for effective learners. It is vital to everyone’s progression that they feel safe and able to express themselves.
It is also my responsibility to assess the students Ann Gravells states that “Assessment is a way of finding out if learning has taken place”. When taking a class of students through a course or qualification there are different types of assessments that will take place. In fitness students are assessed throughout the course both formatively and summatively until competence is