Planning to Meet the Needs of Learners in Education and Training
As an Assessor Trainer, I need to know thoroughly both the standards for which I am assessing and the job/task I am assessing. The assessment process is to assess evidence of learner’s competence against set criteria; this is why it is important for them to complete an Initial Assessment at the start.
The Initial Assessment identifies the individual needs of candidates and can also identify the learning styles of individuals early on to see if additional support will be required and if the course is appropriate for them. If the candidates are struggling and not fully prepared or able to complete the assessment it is demotivating for them and you as their Assessor because the best possible results will not be achieved.
Gravells, (2012 p98), Initial assessment is a check on learners’ prior skill, knowledge or understanding which is carried out at the beginning of a programme or topic. In agreement with it could be formal, and mainly internal task which is produced by the school (ILP) to identify learners existing skills & achievements before the programme, gather information for course tutor, and individual background.
Diagnostic assessment is an essential device in a teacher’s “tool kit”. It can be used to diagnose strengths and areas of need in all students. Diagnostic assessment involves the gathering and careful evaluation of detailed data using students’ knowledge and skills in a given learning area. The data assists teachers to plan for appropriate pedagogy and targeted learning to more effectively scaffold the learning needs of their students. Consequently, diagnostic assessment is used ‘for learning’ where taking action to adjust teaching plays a significant role in improving learning outcomes for all students.
Gravells (2012 p98) explained that diagnostic assessment could be used to ascertain information regarding practical/basic skills and minimum core like literacy,
References: Gravels, Ann. (2012) Passing PTLLS assessments 2nd Edition. Chapters10,11 12 sage publications, UK. Reece, Ian, and Stephen Walker. (2006) Teacher Training and Learning: A Practical Guide: Sixth Edition. Chapter 1Sunderland: Business Education Petty Geoff (2004) Teaching Today 3rd edition. Nelson Thornes. Armitage, Andy. Teaching and Training in Post-compulsory Education. Buckingham: Open UP, 2003