Censorship prevents that children cannot see or discuss certain information to give them the necessary knowledge for understanding the life situations (u.arizona.edu). Limit a child to have access to such information could minimize their comprehension and understanding of their social environment (u.arizona.edu). The issue of censorship in children's literature continues to generate debate from the different factions who believe they have in their having the power to decide which is best for children (encyclopedia.com). The personal convictions make censorship becomes a tool where ignorance and lack of preconceptions leave children vulnerable to external influences (encyclopedia.com). Often censorship is supported on the idea that children should be protected from the bad influence of violent or offensive content (encyclopedia.com). For many people, censorship in children's books should be seen only from the point of view of the law or other authority figure that has the credit or the ability to discuss and decide what content is objectionable or not (u.arizona.edu). On the other hand, educators are convinced that censorship about violent or offensive content in children's literature could limit to provide children with a solid knowledge base that would allow them to understand the problems related to …show more content…
If violence is used effectively and carefully it can serve for important purposes in children's literature (Creasey). Since awakens the child's interest in reading and helps to improve their understanding of violence in a conflict that can arise in their own life (Creasey). Censorship eliminates the need for trial and in many cases helps to increase in children the level of disconnect with reality (Gross). Acceptance of the content in children's literature should be comprehensive, including issues of violence (encyclopedia.com). It seems to stem from the belief that children should learn as soon as possible about the realities of the world that they live, even those that are harder and unpleasant (encyclopedia.com). There is a widespread belief among critics and academics that censorship limits the potential of a child for intellectual growth (encyclopedia.com). In addition, this only provides poor and imperfect protection to expose young readers to some of the morally ambiguous world's social problems (encyclopedia.com). Helping children grow implies the need to tolerate the variations in the material of children's literature (encyclopedia.com). Monitor violence material in children's literature should only be the responsibility of parents when choosing or help the child to choose the book or story that they want to read. "Tolerance is essential in our