This program allows the soldiers of participating units to work closely together and ensure reserve soldiers remain mission ready. An example of this program is: at Fort Bragg, the program will allow the 824th parachute riggers to work more closely with those belonging to the 82nd Airborne. That will help fill a shortage in available parachute riggers, but also help ensure the Reserve Soldiers remain ready to deploy, if …show more content…
Trust is what makes us ‘One Army, Indivisible’ to include trust between soldiers. Trust between soldiers and leaders. Trust between soldiers and Army civilians. Trust among soldiers, their families, and the Army. And trust between the Army and the American people. Looking at the graph as shown in appendix A…there was a higher percentage of trust among individual soldiers within a component than among soldiers of differing components from FY…What the graph also shows is the goal of reinstating and/or strengthening trust is being achieved, slowly but progress is being made in a positive direction. This means the intent of CAPE has been moderately successful to date. The Army Chief of Staff General Mark A. Milley said, “We are in fact One Army, we have three components, but it is one Army.” General Milley continued, “As we are one nation indivisible we are in fact one Army indivisible. I want to reinforce that 100 times over. I mean what I say and I say it in every