If more than one author is listed, must all authors be listed in the citation?
Is the author’s full name used in the References page entry?
If no year is listed for an in-text citation, what should be listed?
What is the minimum information needed for an in-text citation? Last name and year
What abbreviations are used before page (if listed) in an in-text citation?
p.or pp.
What is used for the author’s name in the in-text citation if the article’s author is not listed as “anonymous” or at all?
Name the group authors
On the References page, what words of an article or book title are capitalized?
First word, proper nouns, and the first word after colon or dash
What U.S. cities do not require a state when listed on the References page?
Baltimore, Boston, Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, San Francisco Baltimore, Boston, Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, San Francisco
Are quotation marks used for titles of articles in the sources listed on the References page?
How is the state abbreviated for the publisher’s location on the References page?
The First and Last letter of the state and capitalized
Are any sources listed in the References page italicized instead of underlined?
If the full title of your essay is “The Paragraph and You: A Study of Organization,” in how many places of the document would the full title be listed?
All pages since under 50 characters
How far from the top of the page is the header?
Half inch...
What is the suggested length of an abstract?
What point size is preferred for the font at the University of Phoenix?
What is the preferred spacing in a document?
Are there any extra spaces between paragraphs of a paper?