This essay will focus on discussing the statement above, critically analysing the concepts of curriculum design, inclusive practice and effective practice. Curriculum design will look at the formal and informal elements of the curriculum and the learners’ own expectations of what their learning experience will do for them. Inclusive practice will show how I endeavour to ensure my teaching is personalised to individual learners, my own definition and experience of inclusive practice is, in turn, linked to my own cultural context of learning. Effective practice will include how a wide range of individuals, each with different expectations in terms of the outcomes of teaching, have on what ‘defines’ effective practice. For me, teaching is all about the positive experience for the learner, however the influences of others within the teaching environment cannot be ignored.
There are numerous definitions of curriculum, and the concept has evolved over the years, influenced by the political, economic and social environment at the time. It has its origins in the running/chariot tracks of Greece. It was, literally, a course. In Latin curriculum was a racing chariot; currere was to run. A useful starting point for us here might be the definition offered by John Kerr and taken up by Vic Kelly in his standard work on the subject. Kerr 9quoted in Kelly 1883,10) defines curriculum as:
“All the learning, which is planned and guided by the school, whether it is carried on in groups or individually, inside or outside the school”
From my experience, both as a pupil within the educational establishment and as a teacher, this is the definition, which aligns most closely with my own first hand experience. I see curriculum more than just the scheme of work or the set syllabus by the awarding body. It’s about the overall educational package and facilities
References: Petty, G. (2004). Teaching Today.Nelson Thomes Ltd Wilson, L. (2008). Practical Teaching. Cengage Learning Kerr, J. cited in Kelly (2004) op.cit Armitage, A (2007), Teaching and Training in Post Compulsory Education. Open University Press, Date accessed 23.06.10 , date accessed 23.06.10 Armitage et al 2003 Teaching and Training in Post-Compulsory Education. Maidenhead: Open University Press. Bloom,B.S. (Ed.) (1956).Taxonomy of educational objectives: The classification of educational goals: Handbook 1, cognitive domain. New York: Longmans, Green.