In this assignment, I will be discussing what curriculum means, who and what factors can influence and impact the design of curriculum. Also defining the main theories models and ideologies and how they contribute to my curriculum, and how they can change various teaching methods. Concluding with, proposed solutions to improve the curriculum within the Hospitality department.
Curriculum is hardly new in fact it dates way back to ancient Greece and the famous Aristotle’s (384BC- 322BC) who was a Greek philosopher. A student of Plato came up with the categorisation of knowledge, which I will be discussing later on in the commentary. So curriculum has been around for years, but the way we understand it has altered over the years, and there remains considerable dispute as to its meaning. Kerr defines curriculum as “All the learning which is planned and guided by the school, whether it is carried on in groups or individually, inside or outside the school” (Kelly, 2009). I feel this is a definition aiming at school, where as we will find in this commentary, the wider curriculum in which I specialise, goes far further than school or college education, with the introduction of vocational qualifications it opens up a whole new ‘classroom experience’ in a number of differing learning environments.
Taylor and Richards (1985) on the other hand, have little patience with the broader definitions and have stated that curriculum can be as simple as ‘the course of study to be followed in becoming educated’ which can be translated into ‘the subjects to be studied’ these definitions are simple and easy to understand, but curriculum goes deeper into theories than Taylor and Richards definitions state.
How does the curriculum fit in with the Learning and Skills Council (LSC)? In pursuit of quality the LSC place a great deal of emphasis on the strategic development of curriculum, and their mission is “to raise participation and attainment
References: Neary, M. (2002) ‘Curriculum studies in Post Compulsory and Adult Education’. Smith, M.K. (1996,2000) ‘Curriculum theory and practice’ the encyclopaedia of informal education, Richard, C Bill Rammell (2004) ‘New overarching professional standards for teachers, tutors and trainers in the lifelong learning sector’ Publications Barber, M. (11th Oct, 1996) New Labour, 20 years on. Published in TES Magazine