Chapter 12: The Second War for Independence and the Upsurge of Nationalism, 1812-1824
Where the statement is true, mark T. Where it is false, mark F, and correct it in the space immediately below.
1. Napoleon’s decision to repeal his blockage decrees in response to Macon’s Bill No. 2 demonstrated how he had been successfully manipulated by President Madison.
Madison was manipulated by Napoleon
2. The large western delegation in Congress was not concerned about foreign-policy issues such as Canada and maritime rights. They cared a lot about foreign policy
3. A good deal of western hostility to Britain arose because the war hawks believed that the British were supplying the Native Americans for war.
4. New Englanders opposed the War of 1812 partly because they believed that Canada could be acquired by peaceful negotiation rather than war. They didn’t want Canada; that was the west
5. Even though they were the group most affected by overseas trade, New England shippers were not interested in confronting Britain on issues for impressments and maritime rights.
6. The America strategy for conquering Canada was brilliant but failed because of a lack of equipments and troops. It was a terrible plan, which explains why they failed
7. Americans naval forces under Perry and Macdonough thwarted Britain-Canadian invasion threats to Detroit and upstate New York.
8. By 1814, British forces were nearly exhausted and eager to make peace. They were on the verge of defeating the USA
9. Clay’s and Calhoun’s plans for an extensive system of federally funded roads and canals were blocked by the western states, which objected to federal involvement in affairs of the state. Blocked by Republican presidents
10. The “Era of Good Feelings” under President Monroe was a period of sustained economic prosperity. Was not,