***(you may use your OWN notes….staple them to your test when you are done!!!)
TRUE OR FALSE. Answer each of the questions T or F. CORRECT the FALSE statements to make them TRUE!!!
T F Large amounts of original grasslands still exist in North America.
T F Some of the world’s fastest predators are found in the Taiga.
T F Burrowing animals would be common in the Grasslands.
T F Grasses are the major plant type of the savanna.
T F Grasslands receive less than10 inches of rain .
T F Deserts have large changes in temperature on a daily basis.
T F If provided with water, deserts would produce plants and crops.
T F An adaptation for living in the desert is having large broad leaves.
T F Water could be a limiting factor in the tundra.
T F Permafrost refers to the cold nights in a desert.
T F Cold wetlands and bogs would be common in the Tundra in the summer.
T F Migration is one adaptation animals of the Tundra or Taiga use.
T F Lichens (a mixture of algae and fungus) are low growing plants of the tundra.
T F Sunlight is a limiting factor for plants of the tundra in the summertime.
T F A cactus has a green body to help it photosynthesize without leaves.
T F Desert biomes refer to all areas of constant, high heat.
T F Wisconsin is covered mostly by the Taiga biome.
T F Coniferous trees have large broad leaves that drop in the fall.
T F Amphibians like frogs would be best suited to Temperate Forests because water is not a problem
T F Most of the Western United States was once covered by large areas of temperate forests.
T F Nails or suction cups would be an adaptation for animals in the Tropical Rainforests.
T F Epiphytes are animals that fight with other animals.
T F Rainfall must be at least 80 inches a year in a Rainforest.
T F Three major forest biomes are the coniferous forest, oak forest and