Hartwyk pd. 1
October 25th, 2013
Ch. 21 Vocab
1. nationalism- patriotic feeling, principles, or efforts; can be an extreme form of this, a feeling of superiority over other countries.
2. militarism- the belief or desire of a government or people that a country should maintain a strong military capability and be prepared to use it aggressively to defend or promote national interests.
3. imperialism- a policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force.
4. alliance- a union or association formed for mutual benefit, especially between countries or organizations.
5. neutrality- the state of not supporting or helping either side in a conflict, disagreement, etc.; impartiality.
6. massacre- an indiscriminate and brutal slaughter of people.
7. mediate- intervene between people in a dispute in order to bring about an agreement or reconciliation.
8. transatlantic- crossing the Atlantic.
9. atrocity- an extremely wicked or cruel act, typically one involving physical violence or injury.
10. propaganda- information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.
11. sentiment- a view of or attitude toward a situation or event; an opinion.
12. international law- a body of rules established by custom or treaty and recognized by nations as binding in their relations with one another.
13. contraband- goods that have been imported or exported illegally.
14. “freedom of the seas”- The doctrine that ships of any nation may travel through international waters unhampered.
15. violation- the action of violating someone or something.
16. pledge- a thing that is given as security for the fulfillment of a contract or the payment of a debt and is liable to forfeiture in the event of failure.
17. “preparedness”- the idea of remaining neutral, but having the military ready to go to war should it be necessary.
18. pacifism- the belief that