Louis Napoleon Bonaparte Campaign Statement
1. Louis Napoleon based his claim to rule France on the fact that he is so devoted to France and the Republic.
2. Louis Napoleon wanted to devote himself wholly to the preservation and consolidation of the Republic as president of France, but when he becomes the self-proclaimed emperor of France later, all his promises are void. His promises are revealed to be pieces of persuasion so he gets elected as president.
Abraham Lincoln The Gettysburg Address
1. Lincoln ties his policies to the past by mentioning the living and dead who have struggled in the war fighting for better, and looks to the future by saying how the people shouldn’t let those who struggled die in vain.
2. The basis of Lincoln’s argument for asserting federal power and continuing to battle the Confederate powers are the dead people who have given their lives so that the nation may ilve on.
Otto von Bismarck Speech Before the Reichstag: The Welfare State is Born
1. Bismarck sees the state’s job to protect the governed especially those who are weaker than the rest; and about democracy, Bismarck seems to be in favor of it.
2. Due to the fact that most political parties opposed Bismarck, he sees political organization in Germany as selfish and lazy, especially for not reaching out to help everyone instead of just themselves.
Emile Zola “J’Accuse” the French Army: The Dreyfus Case
1. The needs of the accused and the needs of the state in nineteenth century France are intermingled, which Zola opposes, because they shouldn’t be or they would get in the way of justice and truth.
2. The conviction of Dreyfus was popular, but they did not fit within the idea of the government by the consent of the governed, because Dreyfus obviously went through social injustice and a corrupt system of law.
3. Zola might have made specific allegations against specific people instead of charging a grand, vague policy, because he is doing